Have you ever had ‘butterflies in your stomach’ before an exam? Or grieved so deeply that you’ve lost your appetite? It’s not all in your head; the gut is more closely linked to your brain than you realize. What Is The Gut-Brain Axis? As you may already know, your gut flora play a key role […]
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The more we learn about the body and how it functions, the more we understand that it must be treated as a whole. Something that affects one part of your body is likely to have consequences elsewhere, and symptoms that appear in one area might be caused by the condition of another. Much research has […]
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Candida overgrowth is often quite difficult to treat. This is because Candida albicans (and other Candida species) uses a variety of strategies to hide from and outsmart your immune system. In your gut, Candida can switch between yeast and fungal forms depending on the pH of its surroundings. It can even release alkaline byproducts like […]
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Got acne? A Candida overgrowth in your gut could be connected. Acne and Candida share many of the same causes, and a yeast overgrowth can cause chronic inflammation that could be contributing to your acne. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and the health of your skin is often a reflection of the foods, […]
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What do the vast majority of the global population have in common? There are almost 8 billion of us alive at this moment in time, so what could be the shared among 6 billion people? You may be surprised to find out that the answer is fungi! One particular fungus in fact; Candida albicans. Most […]
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Being vegetarian or vegan often presents its own challenges, especially when dining out. And when you combine those challenges with the Candida Diet, you may find that your daily meals and snacks take a bit more planning! However, once you’ve managed the basics of what you can and can’t eat, it’s all smooth sailing. The […]
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Old or young, active or sedentary, there are countless benefits to exercise. It helps your body, mind, and spirit, and can improve your quality of life no matter what age you are or lifestyle you lead. We need to keep active in order to maintain our weight, improve our cardiovascular health, to increase our bone […]
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The anti-Candida diet is a very important part of preventing or reversing a Candida overgrowth. By avoiding sugary foods, eliminating foods that cause inflammation, and eating foods with probiotic or antifungal properties, you can go a long way towards recovering your gut health. As your digestive health recovers, you might find relief from many of […]
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What should you eat if you’re suffering from Candida? If you suspect that your gut is imbalanced, your diet is the first place to look. A diet high in sugar and processed foods can cause repeated yeast infections, digestive issues, and weakened immunity. On the other hand, eating the right foods can rebalance your gut […]
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Treating your Candida means making some changes to your eating habits and lifestyle. The list of foods to avoid on the Candida diet contains the foods that are most troublesome for Candida sufferers. These include sugary snacks, glutenous grains, high-sugar fruits, condiments, and refined oils. On this website, we have divided foods into lists of foods […]
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3-Month Candida Elimination Kit Start Your 3-month Candida Cleanse
This Candida Kit contains all the supplements recommended on the Candida Diet:
- LIVER ONE to process and remove the toxins created by Candida.
- CANDASSIST to inhibit and weaken the Candida colonies in your gut.
- PROBIOTIC to replace the Candida yeast with probiotic bacteria.
Plus... the CANDIDA DIET RECIPE BOOK with 50+ low-sugar recipes
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