Probiotics are a great way to restore balance to your gut flora, improve digestion, and boost your immune system, but research suggests that they might have many more beneficial effects. Today’s post will cover some of the most promising insights into how probiotics might be used in the future. It is exciting to learn about […]
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When most people think of inflammation, they associate it with conditions like arthritis and allergies. But there is also a strong connection between imbalances in your gut flora and the level of inflammation in your body. Candida albicans is connected to inflammation in a couple of ways. Firstly, the toxic metabolites released by Candida albicans […]
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Throughout history, plants have been studied for their potential medical uses. These days, as pathogenic microorganisms become more and more resistant to antibiotics and prescription antifungals, there is a growing interest in utilizing their pharmaceutical properties. Ginger root is a perfect example, a plant that has many potential uses when it comes to treating Candida […]
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Probiotics are microorganisms, usually bacteria found in the human gut, which are beneficial to health. They’re also called “friendly” or “good” bacteria. They are ubiquitous and symbiotic throughout the gastrointestinal system, where they have an important and protective role. Probiotics are not just normal and helpful, but essential to prevent illness and improve function. Lactic […]
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First of all, I should start by wishing all of my readers a Happy New Year, and health and happiness for the next 12 months! Now that the party season is over, January gives us a great opportunity to reevaluate our health and set some goals for the new year. It’s the ideal time to […]
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I have written at length about the negative impact that excess sugar can have on your health. In addition to weight gain, diabetes and lower levels of ‘good’ cholesterol, eating too much sugar can also lead to gut dysbiosis and a Candida overgrowth. In fact, the consensus in the medical and alternative health communities is […]
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We’re almost into the Winter months now, at least for those of us in the Northern hemisphere, and that means one thing that no-one’s been looking forward to – flu season! In fact, the better organized among us will soon be thinking about a trip to the pharmacy, to stock up on the various decongestants […]
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One of the best ways to improve your digestion and general health is to take some good quality probiotics. But how can you be sure that those little pills you take, each containing billions of good bacteria, actually make it through to your intestines? After all, they have to get through the acidic environment in […]
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The winter season is upon us, and for most parents this translates into the dreaded cold and flu period that their children face every year. It’s not just your imagination – children and young adolescents are more susceptible than adults to infections. Their immune systems are still immature, which greatly increases their risk of contracting […]
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The health problems that can be caused by sugary sodas are well known – weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, gout, and dental problems, to name just a few. But that doesn’t stop many of us from drinking them. In fact, many kids consume more than 1,000 calories a day just from these sodas, and they […]
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3-Month Candida Elimination Kit Start Your 3-month Candida Cleanse
This Candida Kit contains all the supplements recommended on the Candida Diet:
- LIVER ONE to process and remove the toxins created by Candida.
- CANDASSIST to inhibit and weaken the Candida colonies in your gut.
- PROBIOTIC to replace the Candida yeast with probiotic bacteria.
Plus... the CANDIDA DIET RECIPE BOOK with 50+ low-sugar recipes
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