The Candida Forum

If you’re visiting this page, you’re probably looking for our Candida forum. The forum was very popular and provided support to thousands of Candida sufferers.
However, times change and recently our readers have been spending more time reading articles on the website and asking questions in our Candida Support Facebook group. In the meantime, we’ve been spending more and more time preventing and removing spam posts from the forum.
With this in mind, we made the decision to close down the Candida forum.
If you’re looking for information on the Candida diet, here are some of the most popular and informative pages on our website:
- Candida Diet Overview
- Candida Foods to Eat
- Candida Foods to Avoid
- The Anti-Candida Diet – An Overview
- How To Do A Candida Cleanse
- The Most Common Symptoms of Candida
- What is Candida albicans?
- Candida Die-Off Symptoms
- How To Choose A Probiotic
- The Best Natural Antifungals
Also, be sure to join our email list to receive your free guide to beating Candida!
In the meantime, here’s some more information about recognizing and fighting a Candida overgrowth.
Table Of Contents
Is It True That Everyone Has Candida?
Here’s an amazing statistic: Studies have shown that at least 70% of people have Candida albicans present in their gut.
That means 230 million people in the USA, and about 5.5 billion people globally! This may even be an underestimate, because stool testing does not always pick up on a Candida albicans population.
These are incredible numbers, but they don’t tell the whole truth. In fact, the presence of Candida albicans is not usually a bad thing.
Yeasts like Candida can form part of a healthy, functioning microbiome. That goes for other subspecies of Candida too, like tropicalis, glabrata, krusei, and parapsilosis.
There are millions and millions of perfectly healthy individuals walking around with populations of Candida in their intestines. In this case, scientists refer to Candida as ‘commensal’ meaning that it lives in your gut and without causing any adverse effects to your health.
There are actually very good reasons to have a variety of yeast and bacteria, including Candida albicans, in your gut. In small amounts, they can help with digestion, immunity, and more.
Problems only start to arise when pathogenic microorganisms (like Candida yeast or certain bacteria) are allowed to multiply too aggressively. This throws off the delicate balance of your gut flora.
When Is Candida A Problem?
If you have been following a healthy, low sugar diet, consume limited alcohol, and haven’t taken any antibiotics in the last few years, your gut flora should be in balance. However, few people follow the kind of diet needed to balance their gut flora and keep Candida under control.
Antibiotics are perhaps the major cause of Candida overgrowth. If you’ve taken antibiotics in the last few years and experience poor digestion, repeated yeast infections, or even just low energy, your gut flora could be completely out of balance.
Diet is another major trigger. Candida needs sugars to multiply, switch to its more aggressive fungal form, and create biofilms to protect itself from your immune system. If you consistently eat foods that are high in sugar, you could be feeding a Candida overgrowth. Other foods, like processed foods or those containing gluten, can irritate the gut can make Candida symptoms worse.
Reducing Symptoms and Rebalancing Your Gut
Chronic health problems can rarely be fixed with a single medicine or lifestyle change, and intestinal yeast overgrowth is no exception.
The best way to recover is to make multiple changes to your diet and lifestyle, aimed at reducing your symptoms, rebalancing your gut, and fighting the Candida overgrowth.
1. Deprive Candida of the food that it needs
The Candida Diet is a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory eating plan that can help to reduce your Candida symptoms.
Look for foods that are low in simple carbohydrates and sugar. Avoid cereals, sugary salad dressings, condiments, candy, cakes, and all the obvious sources of added sugar.
Also include foods that reduce inflammation, like wild fish, olive oil, and green leafy vegetables. Stay away from foods that might irritate your gut and make your symptoms worse, like processed foods and gluten.
Eat a diet with healthy amounts of good fats and proteins and a limited amount of complex carbohydrates, as well as nutrient-rich foods that can provide all the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that your body needs.
2. Rebalance your gut with probiotics
Looking for a quick fix for your gut health? Nothing beats a high quality probiotic supplement.
Probiotics can help to rebalance your gut flora, boost your immunity, strengthen your digestion, and create an environment in your gut where Candida cannot thrive.
Probiotic foods are fantastic for your gut health because they are full of nutrients and easy to digest. But most of their bacteria are killed by your stomach acid.
To really boost your gut flora, you need an effective probiotic supplement. Look for one that uses time-release tablets that will get 60% or more of its bacteria past your stomach acid.
Watch out for spore-based or soil-based bacteria – they are extremely virulent and can cause an overgrowth if introduced to a weakened microbiome. Look for Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains instead – they are much better researched and have been used safely for decades.
The probiotic that I recommend for Candida contains 11 probiotic strains chosen for their anti-Candida activity and ability to strengthen immunity. It uses time-release tablets that deliver 60% of its bacteria past your stomach acid (15 times more than regular probiotics). And it contains 15 billion CFUs of bacteria to fight Candida and get your gut back in shape.
You can read more about my recommended probiotic here.
3. Support your liver to reduce your Candida symptoms
Your liver is responsible for processing and removing the toxic byproducts of a Candida overgrowth. They include the neurotoxin acetaldehyde, gliotoxin, and uric acid. If your liver is overloaded, these toxins can cause fatigue, headaches, and more.
Drinking lots of water and avoiding processed foods will help, but sometimes that’s not enough. If your liver needs a little extra assistance, there are several supplements that can support improved liver health.
Supplements like milk thistle, molybdenum, dandelion, and artichoke have all been scientifically proven to support good liver health.
You can buy them separately or use a supplement like Liver One, which I helped to formulate for Candida sufferers. It contains 10 different ingredients to help your liver cleanse and detoxify your blood. They can help to reduce Candida symptoms like fatigue and brain fog too.