Taking Probiotics For Oral Thrush

Hopefully you read my recent post on how probiotics can reduce the side effects of antibiotics. Over the past few years, research has shown probiotics to be an invaluable tool for medical practitioners, and awareness among the medical community is steadily growing.
However this is just one of many scenarios where probiotics can complement, or be used in place of, other medical treatments. Although most probiotic research focuses on gut complaints and the immune system, researchers are continually discovering new and surprising applications for probiotic supplements.
A good example is a recent study that shows how probiotics can be used to control oral thrush. Otherwise known as oral candidiasis, oral thrush is most commonly caused by one of several Candida species and is frequently present in those suffering from Candida Related Complex.
Probiotics And Oral Thrush
A Brazilian study in 2012 examined how probiotics could help elderly patients suffering from oral thrush. Researchers worked with 42 otherwise healthy women, who were given a probiotic containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium breve. The probiotic was administered 3 times a week for 30 days.
After examining saliva samples from before and after the treatment, the researchers noted a significant drop in the amount of Candida. In fact, “There was a reduction in Candida numbers in 57.1% of the elderly, and total elimination of the yeasts in 11.9% of them.”
The study also looked at how the immune system reacted to Candida, and found that the body’s immunological response was stronger after taking the probiotics. Specifically, they noted, “a significant increase in the levels of anti-Candida IgA”, in other words a greater number of anti-Candida antibodies.
The interesting thing to note about this study is that they used only 2 strains of probiotic bacteria. I recommend that Candida sufferers use probiotics with many more strains of bacteria and with a much higher CFU count. If a more potent probiotic had been used in this study, the results would likely have been even more impressive.
Probiotics To Boost Your Immune System
A chronic Candida overgrowth can result in a wide variety of symptoms. These can range from yeast-related complaints like oral thrush and yeast infections, to more commonplace ailments like headaches, digestive problems and fatigue.
This study provides more evidence that taking probiotics should be one of the key elements of your Candida treatment (along with antifungals and a low-sugar diet). Not only are probiotics proven to restore balance to your gut and support your immune system, but they can also provide relief from oral thrush and other symptoms of Candida.
In our Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program we have set out a clear timeline for Candida sufferers to follow. There are also full instructions on how to get the most out of your antifungals and probiotics, along with guidelines on how to follow a healthy, low-sugar diet. Making appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle should give you relief from your oral thrush symptoms.

3-Month Candida Elimination Kit Start Your 3-month Candida Cleanse
This Candida Kit contains all the supplements recommended on the Candida Diet:
- LIVER ONE to process and remove the toxins created by Candida.
- CANDASSIST to inhibit and weaken the Candida colonies in your gut.
- PROBIOTIC to replace the Candida yeast with probiotic bacteria.
Plus... the CANDIDA DIET RECIPE BOOK with 50+ low-sugar recipes
I truly believe what you are saying about the probiotics. I was recently introduced to a medical strength probiotic called VSL #3. It is used with people who have IBS or Crohn’s Disease. It is expensive but Costco carries it and you can purchase it without a prescription. I have had a positive experience with it.
Hello. I have recently developed rosacea problems in my face and somebody told me it could be caused by candida. Do you have idea if this might be true? I ve been taking probiotics to see if it gets better but I haven’t seen much results. I eat relatively healthy but i must admit i have a big sweet tooth. Thanks
For rosacea, I read that mites on the skin carry bacteria that causes it. Do an internet search on rosacea and mites. Treatment targeting the mites was supposed to help? Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist and am not giving you medical advice.
i could use some immediate relief and hope someone has a suggestion. On the skin at the far corners of my eyelids and in the creases of my eyelids I have a red irritation that is swollen, raw, and painful. Is there an ointment that can help clear that up? Additionally, the skin around my lips is chapped, not my lips. Lastly, I believe that there may be some oral thrush in my mouth, especially on the sides and tip of my tongue. I plan to begin the diet, but in the meantime, I really need some relief, especially for my eyes. Thanks.
Hey Robin. Did you ever get relief from your skin conditions ? I am suffering from the same symptoms. I got an ointment from my primary care doc that cured the skin around my eyes immediately. But I still need help with my mouth & outer-lip chapping. Please let me know. Thank you !
Hey I use Greek yogurt and put it on the sides of my mouth and let it dry, and keep reapplying throughout the night. I notice significant improvements the next day. Also use anti fungal cream on my face for perioral dermititis. It has been the only thing to clear it up so far. Hope this helps!
So I started taking probiotics to control oral thrush caused by my inhaler. Now my mouth (roof & tongue) always burn. Not sure if it’s Burning mouth syndrome. Anyone have this problem? Just wondering if the Probiotics cause BMS.
I haven’t heard of that. Have you tried swishing some coconut oil in your mouth for a few minutes each day? That can help to eliminate the oral thrush and restore the correct environment in your mouth, especially if you are inhaling steroids regularly.