Last updated March 14, 2019 by Lisa Richards, CNC

Coconut & Almond No-Bake Balls

Coconut & Almond No-Bake Balls

People often want to know how they can prepare healthy, low-sugar snacks and desserts while on the Candida diet.

Making yummy desserts on the Candida diet requires a little more work than regular desserts. But the results are worth it when you get to eat healthy, nutritious foods that won’t ruin your gut health.

Here is a delicious recipe that uses unsweetened almond butter and stevia. This recipe requires no baking at all. You can eat these no-bake balls in moderation during your Candida diet.

You can keep these balls in the fridge for several days (although they will probably be eaten much sooner!) and you can freeze them too. They are gluten-free, sugar-free, and packed full of healthy nutrients from the almond butter and coconut. If you get hungry between meals, these balls are a really satisfying little snack.

4.38 from 247 votes
Coconut & Almond No-Bake Balls
Coconut & Almond No-Bake Balls
Prep Time
10 mins
Total Time
10 mins
Calories: 208 kcal
Author: Lisa Richards
  • 1 cup almond butter (unsweetened)
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 4 Tbsp. canned coconut milk
  • 4 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 packet Stevia
  1. Set aside a heaped tablespoon of the shredded coconut in a bowl.
  2. Add all the other ingredients to a food processor and blend until nicely mixed together.
  3. Now mold the mixture with your hands into bite sized balls, and roll them in the shredded coconut.
  4. Place them on a plate and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Enjoy!

Healthy foods like this are an excellent option for between-meals snacking on the Candida diet. Our Ultimate Candida Diet program is packed full of gluten-free, sugar-free recipes like this. It contains more than 100 recipes in total, and they’re all perfect for the Candida diet. Find out more here.

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Filed under: Snacks, Desserts
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  1. Laila says:

    5 stars
    Great recipe! For extra flavoring, we added cinnamon, nutmeg, and xyla to the recipe to taste, then to the finished coconut balls, a mixure of cinnamon, nutmeg, and xlitol to a bit of melted butter to coat the balls and make it taste a little like a cinnamon roll!:) Yum.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Sounds delicious!

    2. dawn oliver says:


  2. Ashley says:

    Tried this recipe and mine were runny… I used creamy unsweetened almond butter. Should I use raw?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Ashley, this will work much better with a ‘chunkier’ nut butter

      1. Connie says:

        Would it work if I use a different nut butter?

        1. Lisa Richards says:

          Yes it would, but make sure the nut butter is thick enough! A creamy nut butter probably won’t work.

          1. Allison says:

            I don’t have enough almond butter right now but have the other ingredients, and I need to make these on the go. Do you think it’d work with actual butter instead of the almond butter?

          2. Lisa Richards says:

            You could use other nut butters besides almond, but regular butter definitely wouldn’t work, sorry!

      2. dawn oliver says:

        I like the sound of that!

    2. Sue Mc says:

      I have noticed that sometimes “creamy nut butter” means palm oil or another blending fat has been added so you don’t have to stir the oil back in as it naturally separates. Get the “stir me” type of butters as they don’t affect the recipes.

  3. Ana says:

    5 stars
    These are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  4. Michael says:

    Can I use a blender if I don’t have a food processor?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Yes I think that would work. Depends on your blender though!

  5. Michael says:

    Can you recommend a good almond butter to use? The almond butter I get from Trader Joe’s may be too creamy. Thanks!

    1. Doriana says:

      I used blanched almonds, which, I blended well. It was just like almond flour.

  6. Jenni Singleton says:

    Exactly how much is a packet of Stevia? I have a jar and am assuming I do not need much??

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      The NOW Better Stevia packets have 1 gram of stevia per packet.

  7. Tammy says:

    Do you have the nutrition information for these? Thanks!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Tammy, sorry no I don’t.

    2. Lindsey says:

      Hey so I did a little math and each ball is about 170 calories (for a ball that is 30 grams). One batch makes 15 balls. Total calories in batch is 2,535 with 455 g of ingredients. Hope this helps!

  8. JT says:

    These look great but I absolutely do not like Stevia and its after taste. Xylitol is the best and it tastes just like sugar with no after taste and it’s allowed on the Candida Diet.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Erythritol is another option if you don’t like the taste of stevia.

    2. dawn oliver says:

      I totally agree JT. I have heard recently though, that Xylitol is not healthy. I was using Erythrytol but now I hear anything ending in “ol’ is a kindve alcohol and not healthy. I have started to wonder if maybe a little sugar or rather raw honey is the best option. (Seeing I dont like Stevia).

  9. Tarini says:

    5 stars
    I have been going through your recipes and all of them are fantastic!
    I wanted to know whether I could substitute coconut flour with anything else? Would buckwheat flour work? Sorry, I’m completely new to cooking, so I’m honestly pretty clueless!
    Thank you

  10. Barb says:

    5 stars
    These are sooooo yummy, Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. Dee says:

    when you say coconut milk, I never know if you mean the kind you drink or the kind in a can. How am I to distinguish between the two?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Always use the canned coconut milk in these recipes. The coconut milk in the cartons contains other ingredients that could aggravate or worsen your Candida. For example Silk coconut milk contains carrageenan, which can cause inflammation in the gut and alter your gut flora. The ingredients list also says it contains ‘natural flavoring’, and who knows what that is!

      1. Dee says:

        Thanks so much! I started your diet last month after being sick since April 1st. I had been on about four antibiotics due to an infected tooth, and just could not heal. Now I feel 100% better! I could only do the cleanse for three days as I was down to 93 lbs. I had lost 15 lbs in two months, and I’ve actually gained needed weight back since doing this diet.

  12. Aine says:

    5 stars
    These sound absolutely delicious and the recipes too! I’m only finding this website now and don’t know if I’ll be able to get some ingredients where I live. Would it be possible to use spelt flour and non dairy butter (they’re what I use)? Plus, what’s stevia? I don’t think we have it here.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Spelt is still a glutenous grain, although it does tend to be better digested than wheat. I’ve never heard of non-dairy butter, sorry! And stevia is an herbal sweetener that doesn’t spike your blood sugar. I hope that helps!

      1. April says:

        Ghee is a non dairy butter 😀

        1. Gaye says:

          Regarding ‘ghee’: In my 40+ years in Asia, I have eaten a lot of ghee and also made it. As far as I’m aware, ghee is clarified butter, made from separating the milk solids from the oil. Ghee (the oil that rises to the top when heated is heated further after separating) has a wonderful nutty flavor and a higher burning point, so it can be used for cooking and won’t burn as easily. I still believe that ghee is dairy based.

        2. dawn oliver says:

          Ghee is clarified butter. It remains dairy. Nut butters are delicious.

  13. Lillian says:

    5 stars
    Hi Lisa,
    I love your diet. I cannon believe the difference it has made to me.Love the recipes and it is very easy to stick to it when it makes such an improvement in my health. thank you so much.

  14. Ivy says:

    These sound great but can I substitute almond flour for coconut flour? (and almond milk for coconut milk?). I think my stomach is sensitive to coconut for the time being. Not sure if I can eat almond flour raw though…thanks!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Yes that should work OK

      1. Dace says:

        5 stars
        Hi Lisa!
        I am wondering how much is 1 cup= in grams ?
        Like if i take different flours or nut butters, coco milkt etc….i found these details on i-net :
        coconut flour 1 cup = 128g,
        almond flour 1 cup= 96g ,
        buckwheat flour 1 cup=120g,
        coconut milk 1cup= 228g,
        almond butter 1cup=240/250g ?
        I don’t have US cups as i live in Europe and i use more with grams or ml.
        I made coconut bread and almond butter bite balls with grams measurement, but i am now wondering if i need to use the same “1cup” amount for every ingredient?

        1. Lisa Richards says:

          A cup is a volume measurement, whereas grams are weight – that’s the source of the confusion! A cup of almond butter will weight more than a cup of almond flour. Those conversions look about right 🙂

  15. Avery says:

    I tried making this in my vitamix, but my almond butter was too hard and I couldn’t get all the ingriedients to fully integrate. So I hand mixed it and added extra coconut oil and pressed it all into a pan, on top of cling wrap. Then I cooled them in the fridge and cut them into little bars. So good! I also used xylitol instead of stevia, I melted in the coconut oil first.
    Thanks for the great recipe!

    1. Sarah says:

      I was about to use my vitamix then I saw your comment. Thank you for the heads up! I mixed the ingredients with a wooden spoon and it ended up just fine.

  16. almas says:

    5 stars
    I loved this!! This snack comes in handy when I need an afternoon pick me up. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Emily Bontje says:

    Has anyone tried making these with a nutribullet or Ninja, instead of a food processor? Can it handle the ingredients?

    1. Julie says:

      I just made these with a ninja blender and it worked great! I’m thinking I would like these better with a few nuts or something crunchy in them. Will add that next time.

  18. Marilyn Thomas says:

    5 stars
    This is the first recipe I tried when I started the candida diet three weeks ago. Turned out great and I have made them several times since. A great go to when you need a little something, they really satisfy the hunger craving. Thanks

  19. Candice says:

    5 stars
    Hi there, these sound delicious! Just wondering if u could tell me how many calories they have? Say in a 35g serving?

  20. Stephany says:

    Can I use raw almond butter?

    1. Sharon says:

      I just made them recently with raw almond butter & they were perfect!

  21. Tarini says:

    I wanted to know whether I could substitute coconut flour with anything else? Suggestions anyone? 🙂

  22. Lindsay says:

    I love these! I made them today, I actually had to omit the coconut milk and it was still kinda runny so I mixed in the coconut flakes and a super seed blend I get from sprouts, (almond butter, roaster and salted, from sprouts as well as most of my other ingredients) mixed it all by hand easily, then put it in the fridge for 2 hours. When it was chilled I placed onto wax paper and put back into the fridge to store. Amazing for an energy boost and quick snack.

  23. Isaac says:

    Would these keep a week in the fridge or I am best off to freeze them after a few days?

    1. Katherine says:

      Could you add Chia, hemp or flaxseed to help absorb the liquid? What about bone gelatin?

  24. Alex says:

    I subed the coconut oil for tahini (sesame paste), you may have to add more stevia to offset the slight bitterness of the tahini. I rolled some of the balls in toasted sesame seeds instead of the shredded coconut.

  25. 5 stars
    OMG. You just made my day so much better. I have been craving something sweet, especially since I have not forced the rest of my family to ditch the sugar habit. I’ve been making homemade ice creams and Paleo baked goods for them, but I’ve been dying for something I could have. I just learned how to use Pinterest and voila! I found your page and have started following you. I will probably go ahead and get the cookbook, since I’ll be following this anti-Candida diet for a while. GRateful to be able to have something sweet!!!

    I added cacao nibs and gluten-free Quaker Oats to mine. They are de-lish. Seriously, thank you. Dealing with Candida, in addition to fructose malabsorption issues, SIBO and , at the very least, an intolerance for gluten, if not full-blown Celiac disease, can be daunting. Thank you for the great recipes and advice…I’ve bookmarked your site and come back to it daily, looking up answers to my questions.

  26. Michelle says:

    Would honey work as a sweetener instead of Stevia?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Unfortunately no, honey is way too high on the glycemic index.

  27. TERESA KORN says:


    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Teresa, coconut sugar is too high on the glycemic index to use on the diet. Good alternatives are stevia, xylitol, erythritol, and even luo han guo (monk fruit).

  28. Liset says:

    Hi guys, I have been doing the candida diet, its been great but the only problem I have is the stevia. If is anything else I could use that you recommend to me. Thanks

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Erythritol is another good option 🙂

      1. Barbara says:

        What about organic Agave in the raw?

        1. Lisa Richards says:

          Agave still has a pretty high glycemic index, even though it’s not as bad as regular sugar. So I’d avoid it.

  29. Bronwyn says:


    Can i use coconut cream in this instead of coconut milk? Or alongside it? Is coconut cream okay on the diet in general?

    Thank you !

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Yes it should be OK 🙂

  30. Julia says:

    5 stars
    I wanted to use almond butter from Costco. The only ingredient is roasted almonds. Didn’t know if should make my own since I’m on the first stage of the diet?

  31. Tammy says:

    Hi. I purchased both the diet book and the extra recipe book after having a flair up. I thought I was in the clear after 2 1/2 yrs of straight infection followed by introducing Plexus ProBio5 probiotics which have a Candida killing enzyme. I was good for 2 years when I thought I could have a couple of cookies here and there, I started eating pastas and breads, and then I had a stressful 2 weeks and BOOM, I was hit with a yeast and bacterial infection. I knew it was all the sugars and bad carbs. Thanks to your books, I have been able to change my eating habits! That being said, I wanted to share with your followers that it is important to read the labels of the Stevia, Xylitol, Erhthritol, and Monk fruit. Most of what I was finding in the stores are made up of a blend with real sugar or have an ingredient that you may be sensitive to but is found in the small print. And do Not believe the 1 cup = 1 cup that the packaging shows. Taste it first. Be your own judge. Thank you Lisa for all your research and books. Your shopping list has been invaluable. I have embraced your desserts and the rutabaga! I am getting ready to make this recipe now!

  32. Marissa says:

    5 stars
    I’m on keto and I’ve made these without looking to see the nutritional value on them. Can you give me round about numbers for calorie, fat, protein and sugar,etc please. I don’t want to wast what I just made

    1. Jeanne Green says:

      5 stars
      Marisa:There is a calorie count in a post a few above yours. But there are NO details on other ingredients. If you think about it as a Keto person it is a definitely Keto recipe.

  33. Beverley says:

    Does one really need sweetener in this recipe at all? Is it really bad without?

    1. Lisa Richards, CNC says:

      No it doesn’t need it 🙂

  34. Krista Dorie says:

    Could I add raw unsweetened cacao to these? I can’t seem to find if it’s a candida friendly ingredient or not.

    1. Lisa Richards, CNC says:

      Cacao is more of a maybe food, but is usually ok in small amounts 🙂

  35. Melanie says:

    5 stars
    My husband and I absolutely love these, thanks so much for sharing the recipe.

  36. Lisa-marie says:

    It’s really not clear how much stevia is needed, you said 1 gram in response to a previous post which is obviously wrong. Could you please advise.

    1. Lisa Richards, CNC says:

      Hi Lisa-Marie, stevia is incredibly sweet so you only need a very small amount. Much less than the equivalent amount of sugar that you would need. I hope that helps 🙂

  37. koko says:

    5 stars
    Just what I was looking for! I’m going to try it with sunflower butter and add sunflower seeds for crunch!

  38. Oli says:

    5 stars
    I loved these. I made half the recipe and rolled bite size “truffles” I added 2 teaspoons of unsweetened coca powder and they are just glorious. My children received chocolate candies from their gma for Valentines and I was craving something, too!
    I’m glad I found this site. I have battled candida for many years 🙁

  39. Hayley says:

    5 stars
    I was craving something sweet so I made these. I made a few tweaks because I was craving something lemony. I only used 1/2 tbsp of almond butter as it’s quite expensive in Australia, then squeezed a whole lemon in and hand mixed. The mixture turned out perfect and velvety, and tasted even better! I’m pretty sure I ate most of the mixture raw before putting it in the fridge.

  40. lauren b says:

    5 stars
    these no-bake balls taste like almond joy candy!🥥

  41. Laila D says:

    5 stars
    I’m on my third week of the Candida diet, with the coaching of my functional health doctor. And I was so happy to find this recipe! It had just the right consistency and tasted great despite adding only a little bit of monk fruit sweetener. Thank you 🙂

4.38 from 247 votes (227 ratings without comment)

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