Last updated February 1, 2019 by Lisa Richards, CNC

Coconut Bread (And 3 More Uses For Coconut)

Coconut bread

Coconut is a tremendously versatile ingredient, and you can integrate it into your diet in many different ways. On this page I’ll explain a little about coconut flour, coconut oil, coconut vinegar, and coconut aminos, all of which can be useful additions to your Candida diet. And, of course, there’s our famous coconut bread recipe too!

Consider using a high quality, organic coconut flour instead of your regular baking flour. It’s much dryer than your regular multipurpose flour, so it’s a little different to cook with. If you’re not getting the consistency that you need, you can also mix it with other low carb flours like almond flour and buckwheat flour.

This coconut bread is a filling snack that will help to kill any hunger pangs during your Candida treatment. You can eat this bread as much as you want during the diet. Coconut bread is one of the lowest-carb breads that you can find, and it’s also high in fiber which is great for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

4.2 from 532 votes
Coconut bread
Coconut Bread
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
35 mins
Course: Bread
Servings: 10 slices
Calories: 119 kcal
Author: Lisa Richards
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ cup buckwheat flour
  • ½ cup coconut milk (use only the creamy part on the top)
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • ½ tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. aluminum-free baking powder
  • Stevia, to taste
  1. Blend together the eggs, coconut oil, stevia and salt.

  2. Now add the coconut flour, coconut milk, buckwheat flour and baking powder, and whisk until you don’t see any lumps.

  3. Pour into a loaf pan greased with coconut oil and bake at 175C (350F) for 30 minutes.

  4. Now the top of the loaf should be firm and a light golden color, and you can remove from the oven and allow it to cool.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an incredibly healthy supplement that should be one of your first choices as an antifungal. It that contains 3 different fatty acids (caprylic acid, capric acid, lauric acid) that have been found to be effective against Candida (see research studies here, and here).

Of course you can take caprylic acid capsules and get many of the same benefits as coconut oil. However if you follow the whole food approach and integrate natural coconut products into your Candida diet, that’s even better.

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Coconut oil is a really easy and inexpensive antifungal food to add to your diet. Just take 1-2 tablespoons of the oil every day to start with. If you don’t experience any Die-Off symptoms you can increase your dose. If you take too much your body will quickly let you know (stomach cramps and diarrhea are the usual symptoms!), but your digestive system can cope with quite large amounts before you see this.

Of course coconut oil has a wide range of other benefits for your body, beyond just getting your Candida overgrowth under control. Its great for your hair and skin, keeps your cholesterol levels low, boosts your immune system, and can provide relief from a variety of other complaints.

There’s another reason why coconut oil is great for a Candida diet. Many Candida sufferers lose weight while on the Candida Diet because of the changes in their eating routine. Coconut oil is high in calories (remember these are ‘good’ calories, not like junk food!). So if you feel like you are losing too much weight, coconut oil is a great way to boost your calorie intake. One tablespoon contains about 120 calories.

You can also use coconut oil for cooking instead of your usual olive oil. Coconut oil is actually very heat stable, so it doesn’t break down into unhealthy trans fats when you cook it in high temperatures.

Coconut Aminos And Coconut Vinegar

If you’re struggling to create a tasty salad dressing while on the diet, or you’re frustrated that you can’t use soy sauce, don’t worry. Coconut aminos are a wonderful substitute for regular soy sauce, while coconut vinegar will make some delicious salad dressings and marinades. Both are packed full of nutrients and are good options for a Candida diet.

Are you looking for more detail on how to plan and prepare meals during your Candida diet, and how to integrate coconut products into your meal? Check out the Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program that I cowrote with Dr. Eric Wood. It contains everything you need to know about Candida, all in one convenient package.

Filed under: Breakfast, Snacks
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This Candida Kit contains all the supplements recommended on the Candida Diet:
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Plus... the CANDIDA DIET RECIPE BOOK with 50+ low-sugar recipes

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  1. Sandy says:

    Delicious!!! I love it!

    1. Leah says:

      Can I use coconut cream instead of milk?

      1. Kellie says:

        What kind of coconut milk. Can I use the one in the Caron by the milk. If not where do I get it

        1. Lisa Richards, CNC says:

          It’s the coconut milk that comes in the can, not the one in the carton.

          1. Bec says:

            5 stars
            I find it’s a lighter bread when I use the one in the carton. I find it too heavy using the canned milk. Have also been adding berries and cooking in a muffin / friand pan for an easy breakfast grab & go meal.

    2. Bain says:

      5 stars
      So true! And if we want, just put batter in a six or eight slot muffin pan and poof, we have sandwich or hamburger buns!

  2. Megan says:

    Hi there, was wondering about the baking powder ingredient. Baking powder contains cornstarch which we shouldn’t have on the diet right? I made a bread this evening and substituted baking soda with cream of tartar.

    One more question- can flaxseed meal be subbed for the buckwheat flour?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Megan, the amount of cornstarch would be so tiny that you shouldn’t need to worry about it. And yes, if you want to avoid cornstarch entirely then you can mix baking soda and cream of tartar to make a homemade replacement for baking powder.

      1. Jules says:

        I made this in bread machine on cake setting and it came out good.
        I was wondering if it would come out good on bread setting?

    2. Koreen says:

      I love this idea! I’ve been using a mixture of 1/2 coconut flour & 1/2 flax meal for some time now. I love it! It never comes out heavy, and I’ve never been so regular before!

      1. Jaimie says:

        Did you use the flax meal in place of buckwheat flour?

        1. Denise says:

          5 stars
          I also used flax meal instead of buckwheat and it always turns out great!

      2. Valerie says:

        Do you replace the flax meal for the buckwheat flour entirely? Or replace half of the coconut flour with flax meal?
        Thank you, Valerie

  3. Julie says:

    5 stars
    I made two loaves of this bread today. The first I followed the recipe as written and it’s surprisingly really good. I made a second one and omitted the stevia and added two tsp of chopped fresh rosemary and a large minced clove of garlic for a savory bread. It’s also really good. Thanks for the recipe:)

    1. Barbara says:

      Thanks for the tip 😉

    2. Wanda Hurley says:

      Sounds Delicious 😋

  4. Tanya says:

    Making this for the first time. How much stevia do you recommend? Thanks!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      There’s no easy answer to that! It really depends on the brand of Stevia that you use, and your own preference for how sweet you want the bread to taste.

      1. schatzi says:

        I used 0ne teaspoon of NOW Better Stevia liquid sweetener (French Vanilla), and sprinkled a packet of Nutria granules over the top.
        My husband and I are doing a three-month cleanse and my poor sweetie needed something “extra” when I found this recipe. We’re very excited as we complete our first month to know that we can do this without sacrificing wonderful flavors and baked goods.

        1. Wanda Hurley says:

          Way to go! It’s great that you and hubby are doing this together!

  5. Luna Makaia says:

    Trying this tonight, but I was curious what you would recommend to substitute for the coconut milk? I have both hemp and almond milk but wasn’t sure if they would be creamy enough to use the same amount for the desired results.
    Thank you!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      They should be OK, but you might need to change the amounts depending on the texture of the milk!

      1. sue says:

        When i buy coconut milk in a can it is mostly solid….should it be liquid?

        1. Lisa Richards says:

          About half of the can is usually solid at room temperature. Although it depends what climate you live in!

        2. Evelia says:

          Try emptying the coconut milk can in a bowl and whisking the solids and liquids together. That’s what I do. You’ll end up with milky, creamy coconut milk 🙂

  6. Jo says:

    I am excited to try this recipe and more! We are battling candida in our house right now! I do have on question -Can you use coconut sugar instead of stevia?
    Thank you so much!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Sorry Jo, coconut sugar is too high on the glycemic index. Try stevia, xylitol or erythritol instead.

      1. Kam says:

        Glad you mentioned erythritol, I have been searching the web to find out whether this can be used while on Candida diet. For some reason Stevia makes me break out, Is erythritol, lankato, or monk fruit okay alternatives?

  7. Aleksandar says:

    Lisa, what do you think about adding bicarbonate soda to let this bread grow a little more?

    Thanks a lot for everything!

  8. Jerri Arrant says:

    What kind of coconut milk can I use? I only see it in the cartons.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      You should use the canned coconut milk

  9. Suzie says:

    Can you toast coconut bread?

    1. Lisa Richards says:


  10. Kristen says:

    I just found out that I have candida and came across your website this week. I made the bread today and it is so delicious! I am considering adding walnuts to the recipe. Do you think it would still work?

  11. christina says:

    5 stars
    I made this bread twice now. It is saving my life, thank you for the recipe. On week 4 of the anti-candida diet, but I had a few drinks on my birthday and started over last week because of it. I found out yesterday that if you have more than 50g of carbs/day, they turn into sugars and I eat the blue tortilla chips. I am wondering if there is a way to find out how many carbs are in this bread so I don’t go over?

    thanks again!

    1. Kam says:

      I was wondering about this too. Not sure about exact numbers but if you look at the flours, both coconut flour and buckwheat flour have roughly 42g of carbs in a 1/2 cup so the whole loaf just for the flour is approx 84 carbs. Then you have coconut milk coming in at 7.5g and about 3g for the eggs. So approx total is 94.5g give or take. So you could actually have a half a loaf a day if you wanted to.

      1. Valerie says:

        Kam…I was wondering the same thing – calorie count. Just wondering, did you only make “one” loaf from the recipe? I had mini loaf pans, so I made two….just wondering so I can account for the correct carbs, as I made this bread for energy (pre-fueling) for long runs.

        Thanks, Valerie 😉

        1. Jono Cono says:

          Hi, I had wondered the same thing in regards to what the total numbers are for carbs and calories. The total number of calories per loaf would be roughly 1,335 calories. Someone else had asked how many calories it would be per slice. Using the number above you can figure it out depending on how many slices you get per loaf. Don’t forget to calculate carbs based on net carbs and not just total amount of carbs. The net carbs per loaf is going to be much lower.

          Carb breakdown:
          .5 cup of coconut flour = 32g, net is 12g
          .5 cup of Buckwheat flour = 42g, net is 34g
          .5 cup of Coconut milk = 6g, net is 4g
          5 large eggs = 3g, net is 3g
          1 tsp of Baking powder = 1.3g, net is 1.3g

          Total carbs = 84.3g
          Total amount of carbs – dietary fiber = net carbs
          Total net carbs (The number that really matters) = 54.3g

  12. Elvi P says:

    I just made this bread and its amazing! Is there anything I can do so that it rises a bit more?

  13. Elvi says:

    I made this and i love it but it come out more like a cake than bread.

    1. Valerie says:

      Mine did too…but I’m still loving it. 😉

  14. Mike says:

    Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for all the information here! I’ve made coconut bread for the first time today with mixed success… It wasn’t a complete failure but it didn’t really gel together like a normal dough and the end result is very dry and crumbly (still tastes ok). It doesn’t have a bread consistency tough. I actually followed the recipe from the book which I think has a lot more flower in it than this recipe here (1 and 2/3 cups in total) so next time I try this one to see if it work better.

    Thanks Again,


  15. callie says:

    Is there anything you can use to substitute for the eggs or can you leave them out completely?

    1. mj. says:

      Did you have any success making this without eggs? I have a sensitivity to eggs and can’t eat them while on the cleanse. I’m hoping to make this so I can have something to eat with almond butter for breakfast or to snack on but don’t want to waste the time or money if I make it with flax-eggs and it fails! Thanks!

      1. Katie says:

        If it’s chicken eggs that you’re sensitive to, you can use duck eggs as a substitute. But, if it’s all eggs you’re worried about you can try, “Ener G Egg Relacer.” You can find it online or at the grocery store (I had been looking at it online, but finally picked it up when I saw that my local Kroger’s was carrying it).

        1. Natalie says:

          Is Ener G Egg Replacer okay to eat on the candida diet? I was wondering if its off limits since the first ingredient is potato starch?

      2. Rhonda says:

        You can use ground flax instead of egg. 1tbs of ground flax seed 3tbs of water. Mix and let them sit 5-10 minutes. Will have the consistency of eggs. This recipient is the equivalent of one egg.

        1. Mindy says:

          I havent made this recipe yet, but ive tried making brownies with coconut flour and replacing the eggs with flax. It. Just. Does. Not. Work. Coconut flour neeeeds the eggs. I would try a different flour instead of coconut.

      3. Eliza Buskirk says:

        I’m make this one without the eggs. I think flax eggs be best / easiest I’m hoping. A vegan coconut bread shouldn’t be that hard. Success stories ? Im not going to use some weird egg replacer from a box. And duck eggs hard to get.

  16. Callie says:

    Is it whole grain buckwheat? I’ve noticed some brands don’t have the “whole grain”. I tried this recipe and the bread turned out a darker color.

    1. Dianne says:

      I have the same question about the buckwheat flour. Does anyone know? Is there only the “whole grain” buckwheat flour, or should we look for non-whole grain buckwheat flour? The bread seems pretty good — I used the whole grain buckwheat flour.

    2. Pamela says:

      I have only seen one kind of buckwheat flour here in Canada.

  17. gemma says:

    Ive been on the diet a while and have recently started to reduce my carbs. I have just started using coconut flour in my diet but was unsure how the recipes would turn out.
    This recipe is fab! You really shouldnt say that we can eat as much as we like…because I will! =o)

    Do you know roughly how many carbs in a slice?

    Thanks Lisa for this awesome recipe!!

  18. Lisa Price says:

    Love this Bread. My son can’t leave it alone!!

  19. Valarie says:

    Can I use coconut sugar on the anti-candida diet?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Sorry but no! The glycemic index is just too high, even though it is nutritionally better than regular sugar.

  20. Asia says:

    How should this bread be stored? It is so moist and eggy that I’m thinking it should be stored in the fridge, but I’ve been storing it on the counter. Also, I agree that it is more like cake than bread in the sense that it is so moist and definitely couldn’t hold up to sandwich fillings. Even spreading butter or peanut butter on it, it turns to mush. However, I think the person who added garlic and rosemary was a genius because this would do very well with savory flavorings!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Asia, yes the texture of bread comes out quite different when baking with coconut flour. It also depends greatly on which brands of flour you use. If your bread is too soggy then I would suggest using less coconut milk and egg, and more of the flours. That should firm it up a little. Lastly, I do keep mine in the fridge. I hope that helps!

  21. Karen says:

    I’ve just made the coconut bread and its delicious 🙂 but is it fattening?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      It is full of healthy fats but not necessarily fattening! It has a very low carbohydrate content and will keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer than normal bread. As part of a reasonably balanced diet (with no junk food) it shouldn’t make you gain weight.

      1. Karen says:

        Thank you Lisa 🙂

  22. Esh says:

    Hi Lisa, I’ve been on the diet for almost 2 months now, but seem to be reacting very badly to buckwheat flour. Is there anything I can substitute it with in this recipe?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Yes you could also try something like almond flour. You might need to adjust the amounts though.

      1. Courtney says:

        Thank you! My doctor told me that I should avoid buckwheat so I did not know what to use. I am thinking now to try with a mix of almond flour and flax meal with the coconut flour and see how it goes.

        1. Carol says:

          Hi Courtney, I was wondering if you were able to get your idea for the mixture of flours to work? What quantities of each did you use and how did the bread turn out?

  23. Hey Lisa!
    What about coconut water? Is that too high in sugar content to have on the anti-candida diet?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Stevie, yes coconut water is too high in natural sugars to drink while on the plan.

  24. Hi Lisa!

    I am obsessed with this bread! I’m battling Candida and an active athlete, so this has been a nice intermediary for breakfast and mid-day snacks since I am often very hungry. I have followed your recipe and use Bob’s Red Mill quinoa flour and Trader Joe’s Coconut Flour. One thing I have noticed is that within 2-3 days after baking (if i haven’t eaten the whole loaf yet!) the bread gets soggy and takes on a bitter taste and smell. While it is moist to begin with, it’s different that moist: Just downright soggy and starts to fall apart. Almost feels like it’s turning back into dough in a way. Any thoughts as to what may be causing this? It seems to do it whether I store in fridge or on the counter. If the answer is to just eat it faster, I can just go with that 🙂

    Also–I added raw organic walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds to one batch for a crunchier and nuttier treat! So good!

    Thanks for any insight!

    1. Ginha says:

      Thanks for the idea! That sounds really good. I am going to add walnuts and almonds to mine also.

    2. Dana says:

      I keep a small amount in the fridge in an airtight container and freeze the rest then take out what I need every day or toast it direct from the freezer. That way I can enjoy it at its best with no waste.

    3. Same thing happened to me! I had sorta noticed that it was getting more moist as the days went on…but it was still delicious? So I didn’t mind? By the fourth day, though, it literally smelled like olives, so I had to toss it. So sad!

  25. Kerri says:


    I cannot have eggs, so I am wondering if the flax or chia egg substitute would work okay to replace the 5 eggs?

    Thanks so much.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Kerri I honestly haven’t tried it. I imagine you would need to change the amounts of the other ingredients, but try it and let me know how it goes!

    2. Talita says:

      Hi Kerry, I cant have eggs either. Please let me know if you worked something out? 🙂

    3. mj. says:

      Hi Kerri,
      I have the same issue and am really wanting to make this bread with flax eggs. Did you have any luck with this?

    4. mr says:

      I can’t have eggs so I use flaxmeal instead. Turns out great!

      1. sarah says:

        I used a flax egg combo instead. For each egg, combine 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed (measure after grinding) or flax meal with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well set for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the result should be a sticky egg-like substitute.

  26. mbm says:

    can you use all coconut flour??

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Yes but the texture might end up quite dry – you’ll need to experiment!

  27. Adrianne says:

    Great recipe!!!! I made it this weekend and I was in such bliss!!! Thank for sharing the recipe!!!

  28. Kerry says:

    Thank you so much for this recipe…I made it yesterday..YUMO!!! Have been on the candida diet for 3 weeks been having very bad die off symptoms. I am eating so much and still find at times I am very hungry. I had coconut water today and then read some of the comments to say it is too high in sugars….so thank you…the remainder will go down the sink. If you have any other tips I would be very greatful. Thanks very much!!

  29. Linda says:

    Just made the bread. It is so good!!! I did put walnuts. Enjoying it!!

  30. Linda says:

    Has anyone froze this bread? I just love it!!!

  31. Tina says:

    Do I have to use organic eggs or would regular eggs be okay?

  32. Linda says:

    I tried freezing it and it was fine. Not that there is ever much to freeze.

  33. Cynthia says:

    Wow ! That is SO scrumptious, I added walnuts and slivered almonds and left out the stevia completely.
    Also as I’m allergic to eggs I used a mix of ground linseed and chia with boiling water. Instead of buckwheat (allergy again) I used almond flour. It didn’t rise but the flavour and texture is perfect.
    Thank you.

  34. Laura says:

    I didn’t have any buckwheat flour. I made two loaves…one with organic whole-wheat flour and one with organic oatmeal (ground into flour). Both turned out yummy. According to “MyFitnessPal” calculations the number of carbs for the entire whole-wheat loaf version is 82, with buckwheat 80 and with oats 77. I’m hoping the whole-wheat version will be okay for the Candida Diet…

  35. Jill says:

    Hi! Baking the bread right now. Curious about the coconut oil. Should it be 2 Tbsp of melted coconut oil…..or partially solid right out of the container? My mixture was really thick, and I’m wondering if I should have melted the oil first. Thanks!!!

  36. JJ says:

    I have to say this recipe has been a life saver. First few times I made it I replaced the eggs with flax meal and was pretty happy with it. Now I use two eggs, and replace the other three with flax meal and it’s more fluffy. I’m going to make some tomorrow with walnuts and I can’t wait. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful recipes! It really makes this whole process so much easier.

    1. Dee says:

      JJ – How much flaxseed meal did you use when you made it with only 2 eggs?

  37. Julie says:

    I added ground cinnamon and butter to make it richer. I’m in Stage Two of your cleanse. Had some die-off and this bread was almost all I could eat! Thank you for the wealth of information you provide!!

    1. Dee says:

      Julie – how much butter? Did you omit some of the coconut oil as well?

  38. James says:

    Tasted great, the few carbs made my Candida brain fog 10x worse…..not good for the first few days of treatment!

    Stick to veggies, eggs, meats the first couple weeks.

    Even though this bread is very low carb, it is still……carb.

    Best you can get though.

  39. Kristen says:

    Tried this today and it turned out great! I substituted 1/2 cup flaxseed meal for the buckwheat flour and instead of adding stevia, I just added a bit of cinnamon and vanilla. I also decided to bake it in a muffin tin instead of as one whole loaf, which made baking it evenly pretty simple and should keep it from drying out or getting soggy when I store it in the fridge. Overall I’m quite pleased!

  40. Valerie says:

    I was unable to find Buckwheat flour in my two nearby grocery stores…will try others this weekend. But for baking this bread this week, I just substituted Almond Meal / Flour for the Buckwheat Flour. I believe the texture was too dry when mixing, so I did add one more egg & more coconut milk. I am loving this bread. 😉

    1. Valerie says:

      UPDATE – to my post: WOW!!!!! I cannot begin to say how impressed I was. I specifically made this bread because I needed something with some “weighted” and “lasting” calories to get me through long marathon training runs. Well….I made these in the mini-loaf pans (so I got two loaves), and I cut three small slices & added Almond Butter to them. Ate them Saturday at 6 a.m. Training run began at 7 a.m. I was able to make it through the entire 10 miles without getting hungry or needing any nutrition at all (and for other runners out there, no I had no calories in my hydration either – only fresh Lemon in my Water). I cannot say thank you enough to the creator of this recipe.

      PS…I did make a second recipe adding Nutmeg, Cinnamon, and other spices to make a little more wintery / holiday-ish bread…and it was also super yummy!!! 😉

  41. Sara says:

    Hi! I have just bought coconut aminos from my local health food shop. The brand is Coco Fina. It is organic but says it contains coconut nectar and coconut sugar. Is it ok to use? The Coconut secret product available on Amazon, which you recommend, does not state its ingredients…

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      The Coconut Secret aminos don’t contain any added sugar or nectar.

      1. Sara says:

        So does that mean that I can’t use the one I have bought? Made the bread with chia instead of eggs yesterday and it turned out great – love it! Thank you 🙂

        1. Wendy says:

          Can you share how much chia you used to replace 5 eggs? That would be really helpful.

          1. marjan says:

            For every egg use one spoon Chia seed and 3 spoon waters

          2. Natalie says:

            Do you have to grid the chia seeds or can they be whole?

      2. Claire Werline says:

        5 stars
        Yes, Coconut Secret is the best! I use their aminos and their vinegar in dressings and cooking. Great on chicken!
        Thanks for the diet, Lisa. It’s changed my eating habits and I have no regrets. On the rare occasion that I have something with sugar in it, I detect an aftertaste. Funny, that’s what my “sugar” friends say about sweeteners.

  42. Debbie says:

    Is there something I can sub for the buckwheat? I am allergic to that too along with sensitive to all grains.

  43. Anne says:

    Mine turned out quite dry and heavy. I didnt use the canned cocunut mulk so will try that next time. How long will this bread last in the fridge?

    1. Joni Bee says:

      Hiya, I was also wondering about how long it would last….and thought about baking it, slicing it & putting in the freezer to pull out pieces when needed……which would mean I’m likely to want to toast it.
      When on the Candida Diet, is there any reason why freezing & toasting would not be a good idea?

      Cheers for your thoughts.

  44. faye says:

    this was so yummy which made me more upset when i had to throw it out after 2 days on the counter. I didn’t see the note in the comments about storing in the fridge till it was too late! i’ll definitely make it again and might add some rosemary to make it even more savory. it was great with some ghee on it!

  45. Rachel says:

    My mom has completed the candida diet and maintains following it. She feels a lot better. I started the Cleanse last Saturday. She made a loaf of this on day 3 for me because I was losing a lot of weight quickly and felt hungry often. I no longer feel deprived! Love, love, love this bread!

  46. Sira says:

    What type of coconut milk brand should be used??

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Native Forest is a good BPA-free brand.

  47. Rosalie says:

    I have completed the candida diet along with six months of diflucan medication from my doctor for systemic candida. However, as I’m still being very careful I have continued to bake this bread & keep as a part of my regular diet as I adore it. After the first attempt,however, I have completely omitted any sweetener of any kind. I hate sweet replacements like stevia and xylitol and couldn’t understand why it would need any sweetener anyway. Instead I add cinnamon & cardamom, at least one teaspoon of each, occasionally some vanilla essence, always some flaxseed meal, along with buckwheat and coconut flour. I also use lactose free milk, as I’m now battling IBS with the FODMAPS diet, trying to get to bottom of gut irritants for me! If out of coconut oil I use olive oil which all work just as well. Thank you as this is the staff of life for my dietary needs! I simply love it!

    1. StephB says:

      Hi Rosalie, if you’re at a loss go for allergy testing. I did the ImmuPro 300 and it found i was allergic to milk protein which explained why even though I was drinking LF milk i was still reactive and the FODMAP diet wasnt working. Changed my life. But it was also conclusive that i had candida so hoping this process helps me that extra bit!

    2. Brandy says:

      Hi, I’ve been batting gut issues and your story sounds familiar.
      I went and had a diagnostic test done with a frequency machine called Asyra. Frequencies have been used to diagnose and treat diseases in Europe for a very long time.
      I found I have a few different types of parasites. Little did I know that candida, bacteria and parasites tend to live together.
      You want to talk about die off!!!?
      BUT, I am so glad to have an answer to these issues that have plagued me most my life.
      I didn’t find out about this machine until I spent many many thousands of dollars at traditional Dr’s.
      …To their defense, most are not taught to even consider that direction… let alone have tests sophisticated enough to identify the problem.

      1. MK says:

        Hi, where did you get the Asyra (?) test?

  48. Katja says:

    Hi Lisa,
    A lot of recipes ask for coconut milk. Do you always use the canned one? Because for the bread it says: ” use only the creamy part on the top”. Thanks!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Always the canned one 🙂

      1. Sarah A says:

        Since the recipe only uses the creamy part on top, would using a can of coconut cream work the same? If not, do you just toss the rest of your coconut milk can? I’ve never bought either before so I’m assuming the milk is naturally separated and the recipe wants us to leave it separated and just skim the cream off the top?

        1. Joanna Nasios says:

          4 stars
          I am wondering this as well… what to do with the rest of the coconut milk as it goes bad really easily in the fridge and only lasts a day or two..You can use it to make cream of buckwheat or in a berry smoothie but what are you all doing with the rest of the can? With everything being so expensive nowadays I’m not tossing anything!

        2. Kt says:

          5 stars
          I hate wasting it too, so I’ve been freezing what’s left in my can in an ice cube mold then add a couple to my blender when I make smoothies instead of plain ice. Always turns out well and I’m sure it’s more nutritious that way.

  49. Martyna says:

    Can I use ground flax seeds instead of buckwheat flour?

  50. Allison says:

    We love this recipe! Our favorite adaptation is to use only 4 eggs, then substitute the buckwheat flour with golden flaxseed meal. It creates the perfect texture for zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, etc. Thank you for this website, your books, and all the incredible resources you’ve provided, Lisa! It has made our Candida journey much more bearable.

  51. Cami Oprescu says:

    Hi everyone. Please help me understand what is the measure of one cup in USA since I am from Europe. You said 1/2 cup of coconut flour. Let’s say a cup of tea here is 200 ml. It’s ok to use it like a measure? Half of it? I want to try it today since I am on candida diet for 4 weeks and loose 13 kilos and very hungry. Thank you so much.

    1. StephB says:

      A metric cup is 250ml

  52. Alex says:

    Made as per the recipe but without any sweetener. Really nice and moist with a nice coconut taste. Great recipe. Try it spread with a little butter.

  53. farook says:

    what can you eat coconut bread with?
    can I eat rosa tomatoes, avos, cumber, and spring onions as a salad with coconut bread?.
    any suggestions for other combinations of food with coconut bread?

  54. marjan says:

    This bread turn out perfect. I really love it. I had cooked so many different versions of gluten free bread before. because I was in Paleo diet but in my surprise this bread was the best. I used 1/3 buckwheat and 1/3 flax seed ground (I grinned myself) and cinnamon for test. it is very yummy. Thank you so much

  55. Robin says:

    Hi Lisa,
    If we can eat almond flour on the cleanse, can we use it to make bread? I made some almond bread and it is to my liking. My coconut bread has not turned out all that great – it is very dense, dry and heavy. It’s like eating cardboard. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong considering all the rave reviews above. Thanks!

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Coconut flour can sometimes be difficult to work with – almond flour is definitely a good alternative!

      1. Robin says:

        Thank you for the reply!!

  56. Doreen says:

    Hi Lisa,
    Have you ever seen the Paleo Wraps by Julian Bakery? I looked at the ingredients and it’s all coconut. Is this ok for the candida diet?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Sorry no I’m not familiar with that brand!

  57. rick says:

    Can I use 1 cup of coconut instead of 1/2 and 1/2 of buckwheat?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      It depends on your coconut flour – it’s very dry and quite difficult to bake with. You might need to increase some of the other ingredients.

  58. Wendy C says:

    I made this with 1/2 cup coconut flour and 1/2 cup millet flour, and it came out great! I also added some unsweetened shredded coconut for more coconut flavor and texture. Love it!

  59. bill kase says:

    Can someone tell me how much does 1/2 cup of flour equates to in grams?


    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Approx 170 grams, according to the online calculator I just found 🙂

  60. Sandra says:

    Thank you for the recipe. It turned out well but it was too much of a coconut flavour for my liking. I’m wondering if I could use butter or lard (both grass fed) instead of the coconut oil. And any suggestions for the coconut milk? I would then try it with Almond flour and buckwheat. Perhaps I can stick with the coconut flour And an oil and coconut alternative. I appreciate any suggestions anyone might have. Thank you

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Sandra. Grass fed butter would be a good substitute for the coconut oil. And almond/buckwheat flour would be an excellent combination for the flour. It will give a less dense bread than the regular coconut flour does.

  61. Daiga says:

    Starting this diet, just now finding all these alternative flours, so only had coconut accessible. Added 4 eggs instead of 5, no stevia (as I cut all sweeteners and am not craving it anymore) and a a bit more than a whole cup of coconut milk (otherwise it was too crumbly). Then tested in a muffin pan and it didn’t rise, but adding like a 1/2-3/4 cup of full fat greek yogurt made it rise and it was less crumbly and way tastier.

    1. Kathy says:

      For clarification — did you make the bread the same way (4 eggs, extra milk) PLUS the yogurt, or did you modify it in any other way because you added yogurt?

  62. Sanya says:

    I made this today using flaxseed meal instead of buckwheat and it is so good! It is definitely filling and just what I need in a snack. I still need to watch how much of it I eat though as I could see myself devouring the whole loaf in day!

  63. Brittney says:

    Can I omit the stevia all together? Or is that not a good idea?


    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Yes you certainly can omit it. It will just change the flavor profile of the bread to be a little less sweet.

  64. Angie says:

    I have just brought all the ingredients to make this bread and couldn’t get the canned milk so I got a carton instead, in the ingredients it says 0.2 grape juice, is this ok to use?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      The canned coconut milk is a very different product from the coconut milk that comes in a carton. The carton coconut milk usually comes with lots to additives, and it’s a completely different texture which means that it likely won’t work well with this (or other) recipes that require the canned milk.

  65. Vickie says:

    5 stars
    I just made this bread and love it! Gonna try other versions from suggestions in comments. Yummy!

  66. Rebecka says:

    Can you add zucchini to make a zucchini bread? Has anyone tried this?

  67. Melissa says:

    Can someone explain how it is ok to eat coconut flour while on the diet? From what i understand, coconut flour still has sugar right? my flour says 2 tbsp contains 3g of sugar so isn’t it feeding the candida? I’m curious. I’ve also been baking with banana flour and that one says 0g of sugar…is it still safe?

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      The sugars in flour will not spike your blood sugar like the sugars in a soda or chocolate bar. Most of the carbs in coconut flour are dietary fiber. Also, remember that the candida diet is not a no-sugar diet; it’s more of a no-added-sugar diet. We need some sugars to give us energy, but what we’re trying to do is cut out those unnecessary simple sugars that many of us have in our diets.

  68. Nicola says:

    4 stars
    I just made this, didn’t have any coconut milk, so just left it out, also didn’t use stevia and it was still lovely 😊

  69. Diana Salas says:

    5 stars
    I just made the bread for the first time and OMG! It’s good and gives you that good snack fill up! I am also starting the yeast diet and I’m hungry!! 😪 And my head hurts…. But this bread is yummy and filling ☺

  70. Tiffany says:

    5 stars
    Super happy bout the bread…kind of added ginger and pecans….I’m happy 😊. this diet is rough, makes the sebi menu look huge in comparison….waiting for the book for more help…prob eating too much eggs..SUPER APPRECIATIVE of the website and everyone sharing. Keeps me going!

    1. Joanna says:

      4 stars
      I’ve made this recipe over 6x since I found it-always experimenting each time. The first time I subbed flax meal for half of the buckwheat flour and used only three eggs and two flax eggs(by mixing 2 tablespoons of flax meal and 5 tablespoons of warm water and letting it sit) I also added lemon flavour and chia seeds since I didn’t have poppy as one suggested) I added only one packet of Stevia because honestly I don’t think Stevie is good for you at all after being a nutritional junkie my whole life and doing lots of research. Also it is extremely hard to find Stevie at the store that doesn’t have other additives that are also not great for you like DEXTROSE, XYLITOL etc The one I’m currently using has organic erythritol and Stevia extract. Not sure if this is ok for candida diet and I’ve also read that you should be having raw Stevia and not the extract form which is the only form you can find at stores.(?) it turned out good but crumbly. The second time I made it I used four eggs half a cup of coconut flour and 1/4 cup buckwheat and 1/4 cup flax meal. This time I also added 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt and no sweetener. I also added walnuts Chia seeds and pumpkin seeds. It was good and less crumbly and more cuttable. Still not perfect but good. I usually add a teaspoon or more of cinnamon or some nutmeg and vanilla extract without alcohol if trying to make it more of a breakfast bread. I made it again yesterday and used half a cup of Greek yogurt and the hard part or creamy part of the coconut milk plus additional liquid from the milk. Needed more baking time. actually every time I’ve made it it needed more baking time. it was still good but I will stick to 1/4 cup Greek yogurt if adding yogurt since the last one I made was Too liquidy. I have tried this also using only two eggs and three flax eggs and it turned out fine. I have also subbed almond flour for half of the buckwheat and flax meal for the other half and it was fine as well. I’m about to make it again let’s see what I’ll do this time. I also will be trying in muffin form soon. I can’t say that I’m crazy about the Stevia sweetener taste. I used one packet of Stevia the first time but that wasn’t enough I added two packets the next but wasn’t crazy about the taste then I went to no sweetener at all. If anyone experiments with this bread let me know. I have read that 12 minutes as a good cooking time for making it in muffin form..?? I think I might just try it out exactly as the recipe states this time but you know eggs are expensive now y’all -I can’t currently afford buying the book because I’m out of work but if anyone has any recipes to share that are just stellar go to recipes please share

  71. Jessica says:

    5 stars
    OMG this bread is so yummy and satisfying. I have been baking loaves nonstop ever since I found this recipe. I have not had bread like this in so long due to food allergies, so I really appreciate you posting the recipe! I have it memorized now. 🙂

  72. Karen C. says:

    4 stars
    Please read this if you are thinking of using Stevia or Xylitol:
    I have been reading these posts and a lot of you say you are putting nuts in your bread. If you are in the early stage of ridding yourself of the candida it says it would be better to stay away from nuts. On to the other things that may be harmful.
    The other thing I just found out by accident when I ordered Stevia. The stevia I ordered was Stevia In The Raw and after getting it I noticed that it has DEXTROSE in it as well (definition as follows: Dextrose is the name of a simple sugar that is made from corn). You do not know if it is GMO corn or not but most likely it is.
    The other thing they use in stevia is Xylitol. I am posting this for you all to make up your own minds. I myself as of today will not use these as I am trying to get better not worse but we all have to do what we think is best for ourselves and it seems that a lot of these foods or sweeteners want to try tricking us on the labeling and by the names of the products themselves so be aware and research, research, research before purchasing. You can buy whole stevia leaf or grow your own, there are recipies on how to make your own stevia sweetner using the whole leaf, just google it. Hope this helps.

  73. Ilana says:

    4 stars
    Love this recipe – so easy and so yummy. I have it with nut butter for breakfast. 😌

  74. Sarah says:

    5 stars
    I’m curious to know if the majority of people eat the bread on its own or do you accompany it with something ?

    1. Dee B says:

      I typically eat mine with almond butter

  75. I made this coconut bread on Monday. It didn’t rise very much, but I figured that was just because it doesn’t contain yeast. The top of the loaf looked more like the top of a poundcake, and not at all like it appears in the photograph. Regardless of that, it was DELICIOUS. Here’s the thing: how do you recommend storing it? I put it in a large plastic zip lock bag, and I’m sad to say that after a few days, I opened up the bag to slice off a piece, and the whole bag smelled like olives. I was so confused. I tore off a piece of the bread, and it felt really wet and oily. I ended up throwing it away. I really would like to try this recipe again, but I’m wondering what I did wrong.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Hi Stephanie, this bread doesn’t contain any preservatives and so it won’t last too long in the refrigerator. If you do store it, I think it will last longer loosely wrapped in some paper towel, rather than imprisoned in a ziploc where it might start sweating sooner!

  76. Gill says:

    I have just made this coconut loaf for the first time and it is a disaster!?! Please could somebody tell me how many ounces of the flour I should use. The conversion chart I used said 1cup is equal to 8ozs this must be way too much.

    1. Lisa Richards says:

      Remember that coconut flour is very dry so it needs to be mixed in really well. Different coconut flours can also have different textures, so you might want to try mixing in some buckwheat or almond four to make it a little easier to work with.

  77. Greg says:

    Can I substitute equal amounts of quinoa or millet flour for the buckwheat?

  78. Hristina says:

    5 stars
    One question about the list of foods-to-eat, what’s the matter with chestnuts?

  79. Jocabed Lopez says:

    So what baking ingredients are safe? I would think baking powder isn’t safe cuz of the corn starch 😮. If this is safe for candida diet what else traditional or non traditional baking ingredients are safe for candida diet! This recipe seems delicious. Would try 🙂

  80. Claire Werline says:

    4 stars
    As I was making the first batch of coconut bread, I was interrupted by my husband announcing we had to go to town. I just asked for 30 minutes to finish. So I rushed & put batter in mini muffin pan. Looked up at the counter after closing the oven door on the muffins, & saw the unopened can of c. Milk. Oops! Substituted cream of tartar & baking soda for baking powder, almond flour for buckwheat. Not bad. Doubt they’ll last ‘til morning. Baked for 12min/350. Wanted to send a picture.

  81. Tilia says:

    5 stars
    Loving this bread! I swapped buckwheat flour for the same amount of almond meal, made the bread nice and moist. I also left out the stevia, and added: fennel seeds, caraway seeds, linseeds and pumpkin seeds (all whole). delish toasted with avo, or with almond butter

  82. Gina says:

    5 stars
    So good! Curious, can I use the liquid coconut oil? I’m not sure what makes it liquid lol.

  83. Danielle says:

    5 stars
    I’m obsessed with this bread! I’ll always have some in the fridge for as long as I’m going through this. At first I didn’t have buckwheat flour so I used 1/4 cup flaxseed meal and 1/4 cup almond meal and it still turned out great! I also sub out 2 of the eggs for 2 chia eggs, and add some cinnamon and nutmeg. Just made it with the buckwheat today and it’s even better! Thanks so much for this recipe!

  84. Nikka says:

    5 stars
    Amazing bread! I am not on candida diet, but I am managing PCO and gluten sensitivity, so I am always looking for new recipes for bread. I substituted one egg for psyllium egg and sparkling water for coconut milk. I am thinking of substituting part of buckwheat flour for quinoa flour, and using kefir as a liquid. I love everything coconut, but coconut milk without sugar and additives is hard to find, so I always have kefir and sparkling water in my fridge.

  85. Louise Litchfield says:

    5 stars
    Ok I LOVE this recipe, thanks so much for saving me throughout this diet with multiple amazing ideas for meals.
    Once I made this the first time I was a bit disappointed as I was expecting more of a ‘bread’ to toast and it was very flat, however it is more like a ‘banana bread’ texture, like a delicious cake !
    Now I have got used to the texture and flavour I make this once a week with almond butter, or spread with crushed avocado with eggs.
    Some things I’ve found if this is helpful:
    – I made with 4 eggs instead of 5 to save on the shipping and it was exactly the same!
    – 1/2 cup is 64g (from the U.K). I use half of the creamy part of a can of coconut milk & put the rest in a smoothie to save on waste
    – I keep it wrapped in baking paper in the fridge and it keeps for a week

  86. Giselle says:

    5 stars
    This bread is fantastic. I sliced and froze mine and just toast a slice or two as needed. It keeps it’s integrity much better than storing on the counter or fridge.

  87. Abby says:

    5 stars
    This bread saved me!
    It is so yummy and filling
    I followed the recipe exactly but did not add any sweetener
    I got 10 slices out of a loaf and just put a bit of local farm butter on top

  88. Emily Mae says:

    4 stars
    Really good gf bread! I just made my first batch. I omitted the stevia, and added fresh rosemary and two garlic cloves like one comment suggested. I also swapped the buckwheat flour for flaxmeal. The bread definitely is flat, i think maybe next batch I will either double it or use a smaller bread pan. It is pretty spongey and moist so I think this would make for great muffins. Going to try maybe adding lemon and poppy seeds for those.

  89. tatum says:

    5 stars
    this bread is so delicious i’ve made it two nights in a row! the first night I made it I didn’t have any buckwheat flour so I used ground flaxseed and honestly it tasted much better… even my 10 year old loved it!

  90. B says:

    5 stars
    Thank you for this recipe. I didn’t have any of these flours, so used almond flour and flaxseed meal. I also made half the recipe (used 2 instead of 5 eggs) and forgot to add the coconut milk, but it came out with a nice soft but firm texture, not soggy at all. I baked it for the same amount of time. Next time I would just reduce the amount of salt.

  91. B says:

    5 stars
    And I eliminated the stevia.

4.20 from 532 votes (502 ratings without comment)

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