Detox Supplements

A Candida albicans overgrowth releases a large number of different toxins into your gut and bloodstream.
These can include acetaldehyde, ammonia, uric acid, and much more. These are byproducts of the yeast’s metabolism and can cause symptoms like headaches, brain fog, and nausea.
Liver-supportive supplements like molybdenum and milk thistle give your liver the nutrients it needs to process Candida’s toxic byproducts. You can also add a toxin binder, like charcoal or chlorella, when you start taking antifungals.
Consider starting a supplement like Liver One before you begin the diet. You might find that it reduces your symptoms, and it will likely make your recovery much easier.
Liver One by Balance ONE
Liver One contains a range of liver-supportive ingredients to help you cleanse, detox, and boost your liver health.
If you only take one liver-supportive supplement during your Candida treatment, this is the one that we recommend.
A combined supplement like this enables you to get the benefit of active ingredients without having to buy separate supplements. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Molybdenum is the most effective substance you can take to eliminate acetaldehyde, the neurotoxin that causes many Candida symptoms. The ‘glycinate’ form, which this supplement uses, tends to be well absorbed and tolerated.
Milk thistle stimulates protein synthesis in your liver, helping to repair damaged liver cells and restoring their function. It actively protects your liver cells, and encourages the growth of new liver cells. It is regularly used for cirrhosis, liver poisoning and viral hepatitis, and is widely used in the medical community.
Other liver-supportive ingredients in this formulation include:
Artichoke leaf extract, turmeric root extract, dandelion root extract, yellow dock root extract, beet root extract, ginger, selenium, and choline.
We recommend Liver One by Balance ONE. You can find it on on

Chlorella Pyrenoidosa by BioPure
A variety of published research confirms chlorella’s capacity for absorbing toxins of various types, including some heavy metals and biotoxins. This is a great choice if you’re experiencing severe Candida symptoms or Candida Die-Off.

Activated Charcoal by Nature’s Way
Activated charcoal is another toxin binder, helping to eliminate toxins and waste products out through the bowels. Again, it’s a fantastic choice if you experience headaches or other symptoms related to Candida byproducts.

Liposomal Glutathione by Core Med Science
Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, and responsible for neutralizing a vast array of toxins that we encounter on a regular basis. Buying a good liposomal form will enable optimal absorption into the bloodstream.

Vitamin C With Flavonoids by Thorne Research
Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helps to restore acidity in the intestines, supports the adrenal glands, and is a potent antioxidant. Buying a brand with bioflavonoids will help your body to absorb, process and use the vitamin C more effectively.

Liquid Bentonite by Great Plains
Bentonite is a toxin binder that traps toxins within its molecular structure and safely escorts them out via the bowels. Many people combine it with a fiber supplement to make a detoxifying fiber/bentonite shake.

Fiber-3 by NOW Foods
Fiber supplements can help to keep your digestion moving. Fiber-3 is a good example that contains soluble fiber from golden flax meal and acacia, plus inulin as a prebiotic. Psyllium is another good example, although it can be more irritating to the intestinal walls.