Your Candida Experiences

Me, too. Sort of.
“I’ve really got no one to blame but myself. I ate poorly, drank too much, did the odd street drug, had a very stressful living situation and didn’t really exercise. My only saving grace is that I have, on occasion, cleansed. I have had what I thought was Rosacea for about 6 years – nothing really seemed to eliminate it. I had a spot on my back biopsied a couple of years ago and it has never really healed (test came back inconclusive), remaining aggravated and itchy. Then, a few weeks ago, I realized that I have been napping during the day, whenever I got a chance, and just walking the dog would make me feel fatigued. I would have bouts of mild depression and occasionally be wildly irrational. Something just wasn’t right.
I wisely chose to see a naturopath (fear of western medicine) who nearly instantly made a diagnosis of an overgrowth of Candida Albicans. I am on a protocol of diet, herbs, supplements and colonics and am feeling largely better. My face is clearing up; the thing on my back is coming along, I think. I have more energy and my muscle fatigue seems to be diminished, although I won’t be training for a marathon this week! I’d say I’m at about 75% of good. I am mostly compliant with the diet, although I have a hard time giving up my love, my passion (my coffee). I’ve had a few glasses of wine here and there. It’s hard to drink everything and take all of the herbs and supplements – it’s a full-time job! But, whenever I fall off, I get back on, because I am seeing results. I’ll give up the coffee when I return from a visit to Seattle in a few weeks, and start using garlic and caprylic acid to further kill off yeast. I’ll focus on bolstering my immune system and getting my system pH balanced. I’ve got my work cut out for me. The good news is that there’s an answer to the madness that is Candida symptoms. It takes some diligence, but I’m feeling pretty optimistic. Good luck out there!”
Shared by Kim
Blood test normal BUT I have so many Candida symptoms….
“Hi everyone, I am 49 and spent my teenage years filling up on takeaways, alcohol and antibiotics. After my son was born I had BAD post natal depression, ever since then (7years ago) I have had menstrual irregularities, BRAIN FOG, lethargy, aching legs, (particularly thigh muscles, anyone else have this?) sensitive to smells, dry skin etc… but my Doc just told me my blood test for Candida has come back ‘normal’. I am so sure I have Candida that I am still going ahead with the diet! Thanks, good luck to all, Jo”
Shared by Joanna
Totally Overwhelmed
“Hi to all fellow Candida sufferers, I am so overwhelmed by this insidious disease. I have had it for about 10 years now and it just seems to get worse and not better. Last year I had esophageal Candida and my throat closed completely, couldn’t even swallow my own saliva. Then it was a course of Diflucan for 14 days, and now this year almost exactly a year later it has happened again. This is while following a yeast and sugar free diet and taking Diflucan at least every few days. Is it possible to beat this thing? It is ruining my life and I can’t get any help from anyone, which is so frustrating as it is not in my head!”
Shared by Lauren
Unsure of diagnosis
“I’ve been not feeling well for about 6 months now. I started with stomach issues and progressed with tinnitus, lightheaded, dizzy, muscle pains, tingling, headaches, fatigue and insomnia. I’ve been to many doctors, been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and the last doctor I went to thought possible Lyme disease. He prescribed antibiotics and after taking them for a few weeks I came down with oral thrush. He took me of those and has put me on Diflucan, Nystatin neither has worked. I still have thrush and am starting to think my whole problem could be Candida. I’m going to try the diet. Just wondering if anyone has had similar experience. I’m so frustrated.”
Shared by Tina
Still working on it….
“A little over 11 years ago I contracted what I now know as Candida…in the form of a vaginal yeast infection. In the past year or so, I became aware of what I have been suffering from, did the strict Candida diet and I think cleansed my colon (at least I lost a lot of unexpected weight from it). Now having done that hard work, I have welcomed some of favorite (sweet) foods back into my diet (and with moderation) find my it doesn’t agree with my colon. I guess I was hoping to find a balance and it would be okay to eat some of those yummy tasting things again with no harm, but I guess not. Man it’s a sensitive organ! Back to square one I guess!”
Shared by Abby
“I can’t tell you in words how much finding this forum has helped me. Until Thursday I have never heard of Candida, was I living under a rock or what?? I saw a naturopath who’s been doing this for 30 years and says I have Candida. My question is should I go to see my family doctor and get a medical test to see if this is true? I have started the Candida diet today does anyone has any helpful hints I would appreciate any help, so new to this? ”
Shared by Carla
Skin Problems
“Menopause brought on all kinds of symptoms including skin rashes all over my legs and arms. Doctors said I was allergic to dogs. I found a great home for my dog with a good friend. Now the rash has settled onto my neck, I’ve had lots of tests run, and the only thing that turned up was a low immune system. I did a Candida diet about 25 years ago and it really helped. I will start my New Year out with this diet and acupuncture.”
Shared by Mary
21 & Confused
“I’ve never heard of this particular condition until today actually…. weird. I have gone most of my life with an enlarged tummy, I look pregnant and have had people ask me at a pretty young age if I was pregnant – it has done nothing short of sabotage my self-esteem!!!! I become nauseous from certain air fresheners and I never really have enough energy to feel great about doing anything. I definitely seem to fit the bill but am still a bit uneasy about such a big transformation. I plan to start a diet and treatment program despite my many skeptical thoughts. Hopefully my tummy will go down and I will have more energy to live out the rest of my youth. Totally happy I found this site!”
Shared by Alicia
Have I got it?
“Since I was 16 I have had problems with my health after a severe accident. A couple of years ago I started feeling bad with prostatis (possible) and was prescribed antibiotics and since then have had thrush, rectal itching, scalp itching plus bloating and pain in abdominal areas. I went to see a nutritionist and went on a very strict Candida diet but lost so much weight and got so anxious that I quit. My symptoms improved but it was not sustainable. Blood tests say I have not got it. But again I went to see a Reflexology lady who does muscle testing and she says I have an overgrowth. She is not putting me on a strict diet, but tells me to eat whole foods and take some little homeopathic sweets. I am walking every night and trying to change some lifestyle patterns but not sure how effective this will be. So fed up in life. I want to eat sensible but its hard and I am frightened of losing too much weight.”
Shared by Rob
Pregnancy and Yeast
“I am so glad to have stumbled upon this website. Upon getting pregnant, I was finding I had a constant UTI (soo annoying!). I went to the Dr. and they would give antibiotics…. thus yeast infections. This reoccurred for 2 months in a pattern. I then noticed I only was getting yeast infections…. and those of u that have had them KNOW that they disrupt your WHOLE life for 2 weeks. Your joy from life is cut off. ( I am allergic to over counter creams so I had to take Diflucan several times; making me nervous for the health of my baby). Annoyed, I began doing my own research. I discovered the extra Estrogen in your body turns to sugar asap when u are preggo, so if you put MORE sugar in your body (breads, pastas, refined sugars, fruits) yeast follows.. UGH. I really noticed a difference when I began this diet. It’s hard – being pregnant, I want to eat the whole grocery store! Especially processed foods and sugar. But I feel great now. If I slip, even once, the yeast comes back. I take cranberry pills, acidophilus, and fresh garlic chopped as well as unrefined apple cider vinegar. I eat meats, veggies and yogurt and no dairy or breads or caffeine. Almond milk and almond butter is wonderful – unsweetened of course. So glad to understand what my body needs now and not be frustrated. I think I will continue this diet after baby is born so we don’t get thrush. Feeling GOOD is so much better than that quick rush you get from sweets. Good luck.”
Shared by First Time Mom
On the verge of a breakdown
“I’m 29 and for the past 10 years I’ve been battling yeast infections which started when I was prescribed birth control pills and antibiotics to my hearts content in the military (free medical). Then came the so called IBS. I learned to live with that but by the age of 26 I started feeling anxious and tired all the time. Now I’m married and have no sex drive, thrush, constant yeast infections, chronic fatigue, insomnia, trouble concentrating, mood swings, horrible cycles that keep my confined to the house for several days, memory loss, and depression. We live in a world that inundates us with all the wrong things. How can any woman not be infested with Candida with the way we eat and the amount of stress and medications we are inundated with? I’m so glad I’ve finally found the solution. I didn’t realize what was causing me to become so introverted and paranoid. I gained 40 lbs that I couldn’t lose but now I know it’s all going to be better. I’m starting the detox this month and on to a new way of eating. Here’s hoping I find myself again. Best wishes to all of you. Let’s keep spreading the word.”
Shared by Jessica
Bladder & Candida! 23yrs old
“Well I thought I would share my story too 🙂 I was put on antibiotics this fall — I might add an OVER use of antibiotics, namely amoxicillin. The doctor who put me on them advised me to take 3 rounds, just to make sure the infection was gone, I was so desperate, so I did what I was told. Little did I know this was completely not needed — and thus my body was compromised so that Candida could take over.
After the medication was all gone I got this insane yeast infection, worse than I have ever had (and I have had quite a few). I did all that I could to get rid of it, I took 3 ROUNDS of Diflucan and only the 3rd one started to make any difference. I was still SO uncomfortable, itchy and raw. Sex hurt still after I had used three, and I still had white coming out, pain etc., so THIS time I used Monistat 7 day cream. After 4 rounds of yeast infection medication I thought surely it would dissipate….. and it did, but then the other symptoms started to happen.
I started to get this weird sensation in my bladder, like I had to urinate ALL the time, it felt like a UTI, however when I went to the Dr. all my tests came back normal. I also had this pain on my side, and it felt like my kidney or liver, but it constantly would ache, (and still does sometimes). It started to get worse and worse, I started to have trouble urinating all together, and I would sit on the toilet in agony. I never really had PAIN, just an insane urge to go to the bathroom when I had no urine left in my bladder. I have to say it was/ is the most uncomfortable horrible thing I have ever had to deal with. Needless to say I was terrified, and after a week straight of complete hell I called my mom and told her I had to come home (I was in university at the time 9 hours away). I got on the plane that night and was admitted to the hospital as soon as I landed because at this point I could not empty my bladder myself. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, had every test under the sun, x rays, ultrasound urine tests, blood tests, EVERYTHING. ALL normal I was SO scared. What and WHY could they not figure this out!? I was convinced I had interstitial Cystitis (which is chronic, and also painful)….. I was in complete despair. I was sent home with a catheter so I could at least pee. Let me tell you this was not fun.
I was forced to go back to university, still in discomfort, and now with anxiety medication because everyone believed it was all in my HEAD…. At this point I was completely desperate, I stayed up all day and all night missing classes trying to look up information as to what I had. I turned to a body talk therapist because I no longer trusted Westernized medicine. To my surprise she told me that I had a parasite in my bladder. The next day after looking up parasites I also came across Candida. I decided to take measures in to my own hands (after looking at my WHITE tongue that morning Ick.) and started to take acidophilus in copious amounts. To my SURPRISE I started to feel a little better. That day I went back to the body talk therapist, where she told me that I had a systemic yeast infection. Aha! It all started to make a little bit of sense finally. I came back home to my parents and immediately started on antifungals and the diet. After a WEEK I no longer felt as if I needed to pee constantly, my bladder had calmed right down, and I felt somewhat normal after 2 MONTHS. I was able to hold 200ml in my bladder which I hadn’t been able to do, and I no longer needed to self catheterize either. I was amazed, and also MAD why did my Dr. not find this!? Finally I had a answer and a plan. I did make a mistake though, (I was just feeling so good!) just last week, I ate a hamburger, white bun and onion rings. MISTAKE. ALL my symptoms came back, and they lasted for 2 weeks. I cried every single day. I immediately became crazy about the diet again. I have to say that just today I am starting to feel ok again. My Candida most likely came back with vengeance, as I gave them wonderful things to munch on.
I am determined to overcome my bladder inflammation and get passed all this! It is nuts to think that your body can get so out of whack. A word of advice. DON’T cheat. If you are lucky you wont have all your symptoms come back. It just isn’t worth it I have learned. I plan on doing this diet for a long as I have to, and the antifungals for up to 10 weeks at least… and NO cheating anymore. I hope this might help someone struggling with similar symptoms. If your not careful Candida can almost ruin your life.”
Shared by Jennifer
Hang in there!!
“Hi, I’m 30 years old and never really thought there was anything wrong with me. I thought feeling sad, suicidal, anxious, aggressive and angry was who I was.. bad. I also had gas, overeating, skin rashes.. but didn’t think much of it, thought it was normal.. I was never really bothered by it, not even when I got hemorrhoids did I take better care of myself. Until last summer, when I got more and more white spots on my chest. Discovering and reading up about Candida totally blew my mind, it made me want to cry I was so shocked.. I quit smoking, drinking, drugs, sugar, everything, from one day to another (I have always been stubborn). I read everything I came over and followed the diet completely for 3 months, I was feeling like a new person, much more stable, at peace, tolerant, relaxed, confident.. Unfortunately I fell off, but a week ago I started again! And already I feel better! (first three days I was very tired, grumpy, emotional, achy..).
I looooooove chocolate, pancakes, croissants, biscuits, pizza, pasta.. Yet the more raw, live veggies and good proteins I am eating, the more I am enjoying it, and feeling happy!! And my taste buds are waking up! To everyone out there, you can do it!! I spent years totally depressed, smoking weed, hating life and indulging on sweets, I never thought I could feel as good as on this diet! Listen to your body, love yourself, don’t cheat, you are worth it, you deserve to eat live nice lovely food. Constipation, gas, rashes, pimples, teeth sensitivity, anxiety.. its all part of the die-off, it will pass! Hang in there:)”
Shared by Ka
Encouragement for those in need of relief
“I spent the last few years struggling with recurring Yeast Infections. Then a year ago I had an abnormal PAP smear that sent me into a worried frenzy, realizing my vaginal health needed to be addressed. My PAP showed that I also had Candida, but my Doctor did nothing but prescribe me the usual anti-yeast antibiotics. The antibiotics worked for a month or so and then my yeast infections would start all over again.
I started to look into alternative healing methods and stumbled across Rosemary Gladstar’s Book Herbal Healing for Women. Rosemary’s book was the first source to address the causes of my yeast infections rather than medicating my symptoms. I started researching Candida and began a diet Dec 2010. I started off with a week of fasting, which I personally wouldn’t recommend unless you don’t have to work and can rest at home. I work at an artesian Bakery and fasting surrounded by yummy baked goods was the hardest test of will power and I was weak and exhausted after 5 days.
The Following two weeks I avoided all fruits, starchy veggies, hard cheese, mushrooms, white flour, and caffeine. The first week was hard, but my sweet cravings subsided and I felt nourished and healthier. I began eating low sugar fruits and starchy veggies as Christmas came around. It was hard not to partake in all the Christmas desserts, but I kept telling myself how far I had come and how much better I would feel if I could endure just a little longer.
Towards the end of January I began eating white flour, parmesan cheese and small amounts of caffeine. I had my first Sugar sweet Valentines Day 2011 and enjoyed it guilt-free, knowing it had been 2 1/2 months since I had any dessert! Talk about Will Power! After 2 1/2 months I’ve lost over 15 pounds, my yeast infections are gone, my last PAP came back normal and I feel better than I have in my ENTIRE life!
When I first started the cleanse I was a little discouraged by some of the testimonials I read, saying that they could never go back to certain foods without experiencing the initial issue all over again. Why do a cleanse if nothing changes when you go off? Well I’m here to say there’s Hope! I can eat all the foods I used to enjoy, but after the cleanse I rarely desire the quantity of sugar and yeast I used to consume. I do feel better when I eat whole grains, but don’t beat myself up if I want to indulge once in a while. I will admit my caffeine consumption has drastically gone down. Caffeine will leave me feeling tired and groggy for days after just one cup of coffee. So I limit myself to a SMALL cup of coffee once a week and maybe a cup of black tea once or twice a week. For those of you missing your morning pick me up there are some really nice herbal teas out there. Yogi Teas have a really nice Tahitian Vanilla Hazelnut tea that also satisfied my sweet cravings. I no longer crave sugar and chose to indulge in rich high quality desserts rather than filling up on candy and sweets that leave me craving more. For all you out there trying or thinking about starting a cleanse, GO FOR IT! It may be difficult at first, but the way you’ll feel afterwards will make it worth your while! Listen to your body, you may be ready to re-incorporate your old foods sooner or later than me, but You’ll know when your body is ready. I also recommend adding an anti-Candida herbal supplement to your daily diet. There are a lot of great options at your local health foods store. I had great success taking a liquid Pau d’Arco herbal extract.
For those of you looking for some recipes to get you through here are some of my suggestions. Hummus, Hummus, Hummus, You’d be surprised how filling and satisfying hummus is. Pork Chops were my treat when I was really struggling. If you brine your pork chops in salt water, apple cider vinegar and some herbs and spices you’ll be so satisfied with the flavor and moisture of your meat. My biggest savior on this diet was an Avocado bell pepper salad. I’ll try and get the recipe on the website, but basically add an Avocado to a mix of your favorite sweet peppers with some cilantro and apple cider vinegar and voila… you have a nourishing snack that tastes delicious and the sweetness of the bell peppers will satisfy your sweet cravings for days. Stick with your cleanse, but don’t beat yourself up.
You’ll never stick with a diet if it’s unreasonable and doesn’t make you feel good. Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself and be sure to treat yourself when you complete a goal. I had the most success when I set dates for foods I could reincorporate and rewarded my self for completing a goal. As cheesy as it might sound all healing starts when you begin to love yourself for who you are right now. There’s hope out there and others who have been where you are and want to help you along your journey to healing.”
Shared by Sarah
Yeast infection since I was 13…
“I realized something was wrong with me after I came home from the hospital from appendicitis surgery in the 8th grade. I had a really bad yeast infection but, I took the medication and it seemed to go away. After I recovered from my surgery I realized I was in constant pain when I urinated. I tried to figure it out on my own, couldn’t really afford to go to doctor at the time. I’m an 8th grader frantically trying to figure out why I hate to go to the bathroom. I would literally despair every time I got the urge to go, because I knew it would be painful.
I tried some really weird diets trying to figure out what was wrong. The only thing that works is drinking a ton of water, so that’s what I do for about three years. Come to the last few years of high school, I go to a few doctors they all tell me I have a yeast infection. At that point I was like: “Yea I figured that much on my own…” They give me pills to kill it, something painful and burning called “acid jelly”, one doctor tells me to mix Hydrocortisone and Crisco and slather it on my junk for relief, olive oil, garlic pills… the list goes on and this is all before I graduate high school. None of it works and more often it make it worse. Meanwhile my stomach problems which have been persistent long before my female issues, are progressively getting worse. My aunt does some research and tells me I probably have Candida. We do some tests, it seems like I finally have a diagnosis! From my Auntie! She buys some books and says I need to go vegan raw food no sugar/carbs. I try it and fail miserably. I tried to quit cold turkey, the hunger pains and sugar cravings win out and I crumble pathetically under the weight of my infection. The whole experience was so miserable I told myself that their had to be a less painful way. So I forgot about the Candida and went back to my old ways. Feeling tired and miserable, in constant pain in the bathroom, persistent cold and infections, foggy brained and sleeping constantly.
So my mom goes on vacation for a week, comes back and announces she’s giving up sugar. We have both decided its time to make a diet change. I figure now that I’m older, with Gods will and holy presence at the forefront of my mind, I’m ready to start over the right way with this diet. I’ve been blessed in that I’m make this decision at 19. I’m determined to heal this one body and temple that God gave me. So that with a healthy body I can be a better servant to Him. The wrong thing is always easier, feeding your body crap is easy, filling your mind with negativity is easy. Doing good, healing your body and proper worship may be an ongoing lesson, but it’s one your heart, body and soul will thank you for. I’m praying for all of you Candida sufferers, this is a cure!”
Shared by Lailani
It’s NOT all in my head!
“If I heard one more person say “It’s all in your head, just stop concentrating on it” I was going to snap! I’m 25 years old and I feel like I’m 80. I’m tired, cranky, can’t stop coughing, constant phlegm in my throat, and I feel like I’m ready to just drop and have a nap at any time. I could sleep all day if I didn’t have to work, and it’s so hard because people who are healthy don’t understand. Yes, I’m young, and no, I SHOULDN’T feel this way, but that doesn’t change the fact that I do! I’m on day two of the Candida Diet, My naturopathic doctor feels that this will help me and so far so good. I haven’t been craving sugar at all yet, I’m sure that will change after a few days, but I’m so tired of not being able to clear my throat that I’ll do just about anything to get rid of it! It’s nice to see support instead of people waiting for you to fail and making fun of the fact that you’re cutting most foods out of your diet. My symptoms haven’t subsided by any means as yet, but she thinks in a couple of weeks I should be feeling better, so i’m staying positive.
I know it’ll be tough, but I think it will be worth it! I’m glad to have found this page (my mom sent it to me) and read all these experiences. Makes me feel like I’m doing something right for my body! Good luck to everyone else out there who is on this diet! 🙂 ”
Shared by Candice
I am cured!
“Well… I am now 20 years old, and as I know myself, I suffered from candida for about last 5 or even more years. I really had problems, but I ignored them until one day it was horrible. I couldn’t handle that any more. so I started to research and I thank God, that I found this site. So I thought to myself.. okay, I must try this, I must and I can be cured! Then, I saw list of food to avoid! It was almost everything I usually eat! I was totally shocked! But, what could I do.. I figured to do that, it make sense.
In the beginning it was little bit hard, I didnt know what to eat, what to prepare, what to avoid. I must admit, it was just seemed to be hard, but when I look at that from now, I see that it was very very good decision! I started to feel better in less that a week. I was.. wow! Felt like it is miracle! And I guess it is, because it is shared with all of us who suffered or still suffer from that… In the beginning, it was hard to look at all of those people eating ice creams, cakes and drinking and everything… but I said to myself: I can do it and I will do it! So i ignored it, ignored it, hundreds of times! And now it is normally for me not to eat all those candies. Especially when I just imagine what is in it, all of those additives and who knows what else.
I started to feel much much better! I’m sure it is because of that. and my stomach is better, and I feel good after i eat something healthy. And I didn’t know that so many types of food are sooo delicious! I was always avoiding that. But I will stick to this kind of eating for sure! It will do me only good! And I am soooo happy, I must share that with you! And thank you all you people who give us a chance to do everything we want! The power is within us!!! I’m sooo happy, and I wish to all of you, to be patient, and no cheating! Its definitely worth it :)”
Shared by HappyMe
24 years old going on 80!
“I am currently going through such stress and anxiety over my health. For months I have been sent to and from doctors telling me I have IBS or a stomach infection! I don’t understand how no doctor seems to know about this parasite but yet many of us seem to suffer. Thanks to the power of the internet I have diagnosed myself and this seems the most like me. Although due to some of my chronic pain I really want to know for sure.On and off for two years I’ve had recurring vaginal thrush infections, I never seemed able to get rid of them properly to the point I gave up trying to treat it. It was only around 6 months ago I started experiencing severe stomach pain, it felt like my organs were rearranging themselves. I became so bloated I mistook my symptoms for possible pregnancy!!!
Looking back at the past 6 months I would rather have had a baby on the way! Since then I’ve suffered extreme dry skin ( even though I’ve had psoriasis since 4) intense headaches, constipation, loose stools, itching, irritability, earaches, throat aches, severe lower back pain & severe neck pain to the point i cant move my neck. The last few weeks night time has been the worst once I get to bed my body feels so tense everything aches I’m even experiencing tingling sensation and numbness. This may sound dramatic but its got so bad I think when I drift off I may not wake up. I’ve read severe cases can shut your organs down which has left me extremely depressed, stressed, scared the whole thing as I want to beat this as quickly as possible but its hard when no one will listen to you and thinks your a hypochondriac (excuse the spelling) I’m honestly at my wits end and need to find the strength to eliminate this horrible life draining bacteria! Good luck all.”
Shared by Siobhan
A New Life
“Well, I hope this is it. I have been battling these symptoms since I was 22 years old, I am now 43. I have always been an athlete, fitness instructor, happy go lucky bubbly person. As time has gone on, my mind says one thing and my body says another. I recently went on a huge fitness plan to lose some weight. After 4 weeks of busting my butt, 6 times a week, a 1200 cal. diet that I did not cheat on, my weight stayed the same and I dropped .5 in body fat!!! What is going on? I have battled sinus infection after sinus infection, I can’t really remember when I could breath properly or when I felt good. My joints ache, I have psorisis, my hair is 1/3 of what it used to be, my eye brows are thinning, my skin is dark all year round, I feel fatigue, no energy and over all feel like crap…. So here it goes, I hope this is the answer I have been looking for. I will let you know if it works…. Wish me well. ”
Shared by Debbie
32 and not sure what to do!
“Candida is very new to me… I had never heard of it before now. However, after suffering from multiple symptoms since birth, I have reached my limit. I was tired of being, well, tired! I decided to do some research and found that the candida shoe fit everything that was going wrong with me. It seems odd to me that even though candida has been around as long as “man” has been around, doctors are so reluctant/unable to recognize the symptoms. Is it because there is no profit in band-aiding the symptoms rather than treat the source of all the trouble? I’m leaning towards that train of thought. So I get no help from my MD and he sends me to a Naturopath. Finally! Someone who knew exactly what I was blathering about! I was so excited… until I got the bill for his services… Appalled, I immediately returned all the “supplements” he had “prescribed” and went home and cried myself to sleep.. again. Finding this diet has rekindled new hope. It looks like it will be a very cost effective and worthwhile endeavor, I’m starting it tomorrow, and I can’t wait to feel better and to tell all those doctors to stuff it! ”
Shared by Erin
I’ll be saying bye bye to my SHRINK now !!
“I felt compelled to write as I have found this site awesome and inspiring ..thanks to each one of you. For nearly 3 years now I have been so depressed, suicidal, a constant nagging in my stomach or actual PAIN, difficulty breathing, heart rapidly beating like a pensioner running a marathon just getting upstairs to bed – I’ll put aside the lethargy, the catatonic states I would find myself in, joint pains, numbness in my fingers and other parts of my body, one big constant headache! I have weight loss, muscle waste, anemia, dry skin, confusion and crying almost every other day. I was told this pain was a symptom of anxiety and basically, it was in my HEAD and it was because I had suffered stress disorder. Although I knew deep down someplace in my currently unreal world this wasn’t anxiety – I had dealth with my dysfunctional childhood, I had moved on I had been successful happy, contented even after my 2 brothers both died one after the other (one murdered, one suicide), I endured all the psychobabble under the sun!!! I spilled my guts to a perfect stranger and felt stupid for it. I was given anti depressants which I threw away ( thank God) and took Diazepam for year and a half, I eventually stopped them myself.
I was in and out of the hospital, headaches vomiting, chronic pain I kept pointing to the exact place too!! Now I am not one to go complaining to my actual doctor by this time because I’m convinced by now he thinks I am a nutcase !!! So when I got the bad pains I was so fed up and so weak and dehydrated I’d have to call an ambulance… or someone else would do it. In the hospital where they all know I’m a nutcase too by now !! Usual symptoms of sweating, pain, headaches, vomiting, dark green bile like a scene from the excorcist movie. Even I would be impressed by the ability of my HEAD DOING ALL THIS. !!! I’d be given anti vomit injections and would hang out for a few hours while they administered pain medication, My pain would go, I’d stop being sick and go home next day or few day’s depending. I was always given stomach pills Omeprazole ( I never took them much).
So 4 day’s ago I finally got a camera down my throat. Result: suspected established/ systemic candidaias.. I saw the pictures SUSPECTED !!!???? I’t looks like an ALIEN IN THERE !!! It’s in my esophagus and stomach. 4 Biopsy’s were taken and I have to see my doctor in 2 days and wait to see what he will give me. Meanwhile I am following this advice almost to the T ( except for 1 peeled juicy pear yesterday morning, and a quarter of an apple squeezed into my peppermint tea as I’m writing this. Aloe Vera and Garlic is my choice of anti-fungal, Prebio7 and lots of water. Right now I feel exhausted my head is bursting, I have sweated rivers in bed, and last night I had the worst nightmare of my life. But you know what people? I actually put a little make up on today, tried to look good for the first time in a long long time, I am under no illusions this will be easy but…. I think I feel a change coming.
The nagging is just a little less already, I don’t think IT’S IN MY HEAD !!! Foods I ate so far: chicken salad with lemon, olive oil and garlic salt dressing. I made soup with the chicken added the gravy I got from roasting it, courgettes, asparagus, tender broccoli, rice pasta for substance. I had tuna steak, garlic, spinach and omelette. I ate some beef and cabbage with clarified butter and lovely gravy with rice flour and a touch of free from everything stock added. Free from everything crackers with ricotta cheese, copious green tea with jasmine, cinnamon tea. The no sugar thing is killing me but I’m waiting for 3 little Stevia plants to arrive soon 🙂 or sweet leaf to put in my herb teas and looking forward to it, ( because if George Bush has planted half of Paraguay with it for an investment I have a feeling there will be something in it !!! ?? Just Google the two together and you will see what I mean. I have not seen anyone else re-posting here for updates but I will, Love and Light Carina, Good luck too to anyone else going thought it.. BE TOUGH xxx”
Shared by Carina
Diet Works!
“I’ve been a candida sufferer for many years and nothing I did helped me -it was very hopeless! Its true, when you suffer a yeast infection you feel very depressed because your life its not normal! This is the worst thing that can happen in your life, but I’m on the diet and i just have started to realize that my candida infection is going away so I encourage the ones that are trying to get rid of it to follow the diet and avoid gluten and sugar foods! It works!!!! ”
Shared by Milly
“I guess it started about 6 years ago when I was pregnant with my son and experienced several vaginal infections back-to-back, cystic acne, intolerances to heavy food, dry skin, and irritability. I began to notice that the heavy sugary starbucks mochas I was having seemed to increase the itching. I was bloated and my legs swelled even though I only weighed 155lbs at 5’10” 6 months pregnant. I woke in the morning and my joints in my fingers ached. I began to get scared. I was also tired all the time but thought part of the pregnancy until it never went away. I sleep eight hours a night and am still exhausted!
I looked up all kinds of diagnoses until I developed a lump in my breast which made me decide to change my diet completely. I quit all coffee, only drank water and eliminated sugars, flour, etc. It was amazing I dropped 8lbs in the first two weeks and was as skinny as I was at 16. My lump disappeared within 3 months and I truly realized the power of nutrition. I have been a lifelong sugar addict so I fell off the wagon and started sugar again, not as much for sure, but still…then the symptoms began again. If I had too much cake or too many cookies my private area would start to feel uncomfortable and become irritated or itchy.
Honestly the biggest complaint is the fatigue. I am so sick of being TIRED! I finally found a homeopathic doctor who really listened. He prescribed 3 month treatment of Diflucan and a special diet plus probiotics and a medical food that reduces intestinal inflammation. I began the treatment 2 days ago. I have since felt achy, very emotional, stomach pains, diarrhea, itchiness, and incredible fatigue, which is great because I know there is die-off beginning. Looking forward to waking in the morning like a normal person with energy for my little kids!!!!! :)”
Shared by Rachel